Chapter 5 | Marcus Sanchez.

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Honestly fuck Julie and Richard. Ugh I love them, but they get on my nerves sometimes, and I'm still pretty bummed about the whole activity. I shake away those thoughts and continued making my way to the restroom. I saw an aid standing outside. Ewww this man looked ugly. No offense but sweetie, that little hair moment you got going on is not it. Scoffing at my insult, I continued to walk. He was on his phone and looked up when he noticed me.

"Good morning and sign in," He greeted me in a rude tone.

Me being nice and shit I smiled at him.

"Good morning..Mr.."

"Ajay," he replied dryly.

"Well, good morning Mr-"

"You can just call me Ajay, I feel old when people call me Mr.," he cut me off while running his hands through his hair.

'Ugh, that ugly ass hairdo. Oh hell no...did he just interrupt me? Ok I know Mrs. Paris interrupted me but that's exceptional. She's nice'

"Um no offense but what do you mean feel old, you are old," I said but regretting it from the looks on his face.

It was pure hatred.

"Excuse me!?! Hurry up and use the restroom and get back to class!" He yelled at me.

I flinched a little at his tone. Ugh, his breath stinks. I head towards the restroom completely unfazed by this man. I noticed that there is only one stall and two pee pods. Being insecure about using the pee pods, I walked into the stall. It's not that I'm uncomfortable using it, I just get goosebumps when there's either someone next to me using one or behind me waiting to use one. I get anxious when there's a lot of people in the restroom. The noise and the horse playing are just too much that my waste can't seem to come out.

I finished my business and went to the sink to wash my hands. I felt someone standing behind me, so I quickly turned and it was some boy. He was just eye raping me. I didn't know what to do so I faked a smile.

"I like the view," I said trying to sound creepy, so he would just stop staring.

"You do?" He asked in a husky tone.

'Ewww and shit so much for that plan'

"Yes," I sighed completely defeated because he was good looking but I wasn't intrigued at all.

"Well you're my best view," he smirked.

"Ehhhh," I said rolling my eyes at him.

He laughed and went to one of the pee pods while I washed my hands.

"The names Marcus, Marcus Sanchez. I'm an upperclassman, also not to toot my horn, but I'm the football team's quarterback and captain. I have never seen you around the school before, so clearly you must be a freshie. what's your name cutie," he asked out loud.

"Jamie, Jamie Quill and yes I am a freshman," I say nonchalantly.

"Are you gay?" he asked.

I was taken back by the bluntness.

"Yes sir," I answered.

Upon hearing the pod flush, I hear his footsteps, but they suddenly came to a stop. I instantly felt goosebumps run down my whole body. I turned at it seems as if he is staring at my ass. Meh, I'm imagining things.

"Cute butt," he says.

'Ahhhh shit'

Usually, this comment would make me blush but at this point, I was fed up with the activity I did earlier in class. I rolled my eyes secretly and turned.

"Look, man...I know I'm cute but can you at least not be such a creep when you're staring at me. I'm also not in a good mood right now," I said to him drying my hands then folding them into my chest.

His face went from a smirk to a glare. He started making his way towards me, and I quickly stepped back hitting the counters. He was legit two inches away from me. Not being prepared for what was about to happen, he grabbed my collar and lifted me on the counters so I was leveled with him.

"Now listen here freshie, you're new here and it seems you don't know how things work also I don't know what gives you the reason to talk to me like that. Do you wanna get fucked up?" He spat angrily.

How the hell did this asshole go from zero to a hundred. At this point I was furious. How dare he speak to me this way, so with that being said. I slid my hands up to his chest and slightly pushed him back, smiling at him.


"Wow, you're a quick learner huh?" he smirked.

Him being two inches away from my face, I took my chance. I head butt his face causing him to stumble. I shoved my knees into his balls, making him hunch over, then wrap his hair in my hands, slamming his face down on the counter. Luckily the air vents were loud. He was on the ground with both hands on his face and crotch. He looked at me with so much anger but I didn't care.

"See ya later, Marcus," I say innocently.

I walked out pissed but I did a good job hiding it. Waking past Ajay he looked like he wanted to rip my face apart, so I smiled innocently at him. Almost heading in the direction of my class I heard the rat speak.

"EXCUSE ME!?! SIGN OUT!," Ajay yelled at me.





Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now