Chapter 52 | Second Move.

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It was Thursday, the day after my therapy and I think I'm gonna go in today if shit goes down. I was not ready to go to school because I knew what was waiting for me there. Probably posters or extreme name calling from Flores's fans. I took so long to get ready and Maximus was not having it.

"See you fucking made us late," he hissed under his breath.

"I don't care," I waved him off.

Since mom was still sleeping, dad had to drop us off to school. He's pretty alright for a morning person. He just needs his coffee and phone to start his day. Facebook videos can get pretty addictive.

"Okay I'll see you two after school. Bye I love you!"

"Bye love you!" Maximus and I spoke in unison.

"Ew you fucking weirdo," he spat walking away from me.

Here's the thing with Maximus. I know he sounds like the worst brother but he's actually the greatest. Our bond is pretty peculiar. We do call each other some really horrible names, but we end up laughing about it. He's one of the main reason why I'm so immune to homophobic slurs. If these bitches think they can hurt my feelings, they need to think again.

As I made my way into the school, no one was giving me dirty looks or walking up to me, trying to fight. I shrugged in reliefs and went to my locker. Just when I thought nothing was going wrong, a paint trap went off and sprayed my clothes with paint. The whole hallway went up in giggles and laughter.

"Yea! you guys are very fucking funny!" I screamed while slamming my locker.

I looked around to see that everyone went silent.

"What? I thought you guys were laughing! Cmon have a laugh you fucking weirdos! Cmon laugh!" I shouted down the halls, laughing hysterically.

"Jamie?" Flores said appearing amongst the crowd.

"Ah Flores Dandy! Just the person I wanted to see. Listen here yeah, I have no fucking idea what you're problem is, nor do I care! But let me get this straight, if you think for one goddamn second I'm gonna let you fuck this year up for me, you have another thing headed your way. Leave me the fuck alone!" I said feeling my eyes water up.

I stormed off into the bathroom halls and cried in one of the stalls. I heard the door open and some shuffling.

"Oi, you good?" Maximus asked.

"Yea thanks."

It's times like this I really appreciate Maximus. I opened the stalls to see my lovely brother holding out a bag; inside were box of cookies, bottle of green tea, and spare change of clothes.

"Here bitch. Now hurry up and fix yourself," Maximus said giving me a pat on the back before walking out.


After all that morning commotion, I was walked in to class to see everyone staring at me. I ignored it and went to my desk. Pulling out my notebook I decided to take notes from the board.

"Mr Quill please report to the principals office."

The class started to erupt in "oooo" sounds as I exited the room. As I'm making my way to the office I see Flores sitting outside, breaking down in tears.

"Why the hell are you crying?"

"Excuse me don't talk to my daughter like that!" Her mother said coming to her aid.

"Well you're daughter is the one who pranked me, hence the paint stains on the wall down the hall," I said pointing down the place.


"Now if you'll excuse me," I gave a humph before walking into the principals office.

"Mr. Quill please take a seat. You know over these past few months, I had high hopes that your name wouldn't be brought up in this office and so far you've did a good until today," Mr Sarisola said.

"Look I was only using my words this time. It wasn't like I hit her. I know Flores and I would never lay a hand on her."

"Calm down Mr. Quill. We know that harming Ms. Dandy was not your intention, but you must realize that even the power of words can affect a person's wellbeing," Mr. Sarisola advised.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to let you off with a warning, but you also have to apologize to Flores. Thank you now get out of my office." I rolled my eyes as I was dismissed.

I walked out the office in a much more calm state. I looked down to see Flores and her Mother glaring at me.

"Sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," I apologized.

"No one wants your apology Mr. Quill!" Mrs Dandy shot back.

"I don't care if you don't want it, I was talking to Flores!" I stood my ground.

"Yea it's alright. Sorry too," Flores said giving me a small smile.

After that day, nothing too bizarre happened. Richard moved school, and yea that's about it.
Flores was finally in a happy relationship with Brandon, which I really adored. Jane took some time to come around and accept Flores. Annie and Maria were just going with the flow. Casey moved to the states with her husband, yea period girl.

So far everything was going great for Junior year.


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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