Chapter 40 | Golden Memories Pt 4.

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I hate going out with Elijah because he likes to show off that we're a happy couple when there is nothing happy about us. We have been dating for a pretty long time, and by a long time, I mean as in a high school relationship when five months equals five years of marriage. Let me tell you, this dude gets worse every day, and I can vouch for that. I wasn't at his house this weekend, but that doesn't mean I'm not going there.

Elijah sent me a text saying I'm following him to the mall because he needs new clothes, and someone to carry his bags. Bitch huh?! I was in bed when he sent that text, and every ounce of comfort left my body. When I think about him, it's enough to make my day shit. I get up from where I was laying down and went to the bathroom. I undressed looking at my reflection in the mirror. Only a few splotches of yellowish-brown pigment showed here and there, but it was better than before. I think Elijah is getting bored of me and wants to pursue something more enticing, and risky. Please, be my guest because fuck this shit. I've been through so much.

Anyways after my optimistic thoughts, I hopped in the shower, washing away the sins. LOL JOKES. Once I was done, I got dressed and waited for Elijah to arrive, so we can get this shit over with. I think I'm going to break up with him.

Elijah<3: I'm outside. Hurry the fuck up.

I rolled my eyes shoving my phone into my pocket. I head downstairs and see mom baking in the kitchen. Please when mom cooks you know she's in a good mood. She even had Tina Turner blasting through the speakers. She noticed me watching and rushed towards me, letting me join in on her concert. It's times like this that I hold dearest to my heart because this type of occurrence is what reminds me, I have everything to live for, and so much more.

I'm not sure if Elijah knows that mom and the kids were home because he was pounding hard against our door like he pays bills in this house. Mom's mood was ruined; The look on her face went from jolly to anger in a matter of seconds. She rushed to the front door, swinging it wide open, screaming:

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE KNOCKING ON MY DOOR LIKE THAT!?" I can see from behind, Elijah's face.

"I-..uh... I'm so sorry Mrs. Quill," He said nervously.

"Oh, Elijah I'm so sorry for yelling at you like that!" Mother apologized making me facepalm mentally. 

I forget sometimes that my family loves Elijah with their heart's content, while I'm over here waiting to leave his ass.

"So what brings you here Elijah? Would you like to come in? I'm making cookies," Mom said moving from the doorway.

"No thank you, Mrs. Quill, although I do appreciate the gesture, I came today to take Jamie shopping," Elijah said with a big smile.

"By all means take him. See! He's ready," Mom announced pulling me out the door.

"Hey babe," I am pulled in for a kiss, which I was not expecting.

"Hi," I smiled while blushing on the inside.

After a few minutes of conversation with my mom, she gives us chocolate chip cookies for the road. I smiled at the little gesture while staring at the sugary sweets in the Ziploc. I opened it and it was swiped away. I looked to see Elijah tossing it out the window; A evil smile across his face.

"Those cookies are shit anyways," He shrugged.

   We arrived at the mall, and I wanted to leave already. Please don't get me wrong, I love the mall, but this shit is too much for me to handle. I do wonder why Elijah is like this. I genuinely believe that he has a mental disorder and should get help.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now