Chapter 33 | Park Encounters Pt 1.

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Benjamin POV:

Jamie and Elijah have been dating for quite some time now and I fucking hate it. Just seeing them in the hallways makes me wanna fight King. He's so arrogant and cocky that he has my boy. In all honesty, I do have to give him that, because he treats him so much better than me, and if Jamie was sane, there'd be no competition. Speaking of him, he knows that I know he's back, but he never pays any attention to me. Just the thought of him out of my life makes me sad and angry, but I can't be mad. Everything that has happened in the past few months was all my fault. I knew I had to keep my distance away from him, so I finally got all my classes switched so that I wouldn't have to see him all the time.

"Honey what are you going to be doing with your life. You're playing on that damn phone every day. Are you even going to apply for college?" mom huffed in annoyance as she walked into my room.

"I am. Just a bit tired," I yawned, turning off my phone.

"Tired my ass. You better get up and make yourself useful around this house," she scolded while picking up my dirty laundry.

"Yea I will mom," I said rolling my eyes.

"EW JAMIE WHAT IS THIS?!?!" Mom gasped.

My eyes went wide when she found one of my black socks stained with white hardened liquid. The stains weren't spots, but a whole splat of the substance. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. My embarrassment was not just from the sock, but what laid next to it. A picture of Jamie, which has splats all over it as well.

"MOM STOP DON'T LOOK AT THAT!" I yelled grabbing the two items.

I looked up at her as she stared at me, and I know what that stare is. The stare of uncertainty and disappointment. She gave a small sigh before going to the door.

"Benjamin, you need to move on from him. I know I should be supportive of you, but what you're going through is all your fault. You did this to yourself," She said before walking out the door.

I dropped myself back onto the bed and screamed into my pillow. She is right, but I can't move on. Maybe I'll move on and live life a little bit better if I apologize to him, just not now because I'm going out with my friends to the mall.


I regret coming to this shit place. We were in an ice cream shop and guess who sat at the far corner. My love and that shit bag are who. I appreciate my friends because they were trying to take my mind off him, but I just can't stop staring at him. The way he laughs when Elijah says a joke, or when Elijah pulls him in for a kiss makes me wanna walk up there and take Jamie away, but can I? I'm too embarrassed to even be seen with him, let alone kissing him.

"I think we should get out of here," Nate suggested.

"Yea let's go watch a movie," Darcy said clapping her hands excitedly.

I just gave a small nod before walking out of the shop first. I waited about five minutes for my friends and we finally picked a movie. I wasn't sure what the title was because I wasn't paying attention to it. I was just thinking about how bad I want to beat the shit out of Elijah.

Give it an hour or two, we had finally finished the movie and it was pretty great. I still don't know the title though. As we were walking back to our car, I felt goosebumps run out my whole body. I knew someone was looking at me. I turned towards the other side of the parking lot of the mall and saw Jamie standing there looking at me from his car.

Where is Elijah?

I was about to walk towards him, but the asshole finally crept from behind, scooping him off the ground and into his chest. Speaking of that, mine is hurting. I rolled my eyes at the sight of what could've been me, and stared and what has become of me. A single, closeted homophobe. I wonder why he was staring at me? Could he have wanted to talk to me? See this is why I hate it. I hate that I'm so hung up on somebody that I used to know, but he didn't have to cut me off. I love Jamie, but I hate that I love him. Why? Because I can't be with him, and both sides of the problem all fall on me. I put him in the hospital and is too scared to even admit my feelings. It would never work out.

"OI BITCH! LET'S GO!" Richard yelled beeping the horn.

I gave the two love birds one more glance before making my way to the car.


"Yo," I said picking up my phone.

"Hey dude, have you been checking up on Jamie as I asked?" Marcus said on the other line.

"Yeah, dude. We went to the mall today. Had ice cream and watched a movie. Why?" I lied.

Here is the thing, Marcus told me he went to go visit Jamie that day of the hospital and said that he got into a car accident. That means that he does not even know of Jamie and I's fallout. I know Jamie decided to lie to me for my safety and I am grateful that he did that. If Marcus found out about what I did, heaven have mercy on me.

"oh just checking, anyways catch you later because Sky's calling me. Bye, I love you," he said before hanging up.

I plugged my phone into its charger, placing it on my nightstand. The world feels so strange right now. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was nine pm. Usually when I ain't tired I jerk off to Jamie's photo or go for a walk. I jerked off yesterday, so I'm going for a walk. As I was walking I noticed someone at the park bench. I paid no mind to whoever that person was until I heard sobbing.

"Hello, are you okay?" I called out, making my way to him/her.

They stopped crying and once they saw me walking towards them, they got up from the bench and ran. I decided to run after them, and knowing that I was in basketball, I definitely had a better chance at catching up to them. 

"HEY STOP I'M HERE TO HELP YOU!" I  called out in between breaths.

They just kept running, but I knew they were getting tired because their pace was slowly decreasing. I was just a few feet away from reaching for their shoulder, but they did something unexpected. Since I was the one going at a much quicker speed, they stopped, ducking down. Then stuck out their arms, making me trip and roll to the ground several times. I groaned at the pain and leaned up to see Jamie staring at me, tears rolling down his face.


Just like that, he turned around and made a run for it again.



**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara