Chapter 54 | Session 4.

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I asked Benjamin to take me to the youth center after school. Speaking of that, everyone was crying especially the seniors. They're going to be branching out into the real world while us Juniors will be filling in their spots. Such an emotional day for everyone. They were crying over the fake cliques, while I was crying over my last therapy session.

Dr. Lee is the most caring yet nonchalant woman I've ever met. Whenever I go down for therapy I think of the moments we had during my early days. I was so shy to open up about things, but I wasn't rude about it. She has guided me through so much things in regards to problems with myself, problems with my family, or even just the minimum amount of nonsense I spew every session. She has truly been there for me when times were dark.

Unfortunately this was my last day and it would be the last time I'll ever get to see her.


There we both sat across each other in an awkward silence. I think since this was our last day together, things would feel a bit weird and believe me, it felt weird.

Dr. Lee quickly fetched her notepad and pen, "So Jamie. Tell me about your day!"

"Well today was the last day of school. Last week I stated dating Benjamin, who's a pretty cool guy. We have history but we moved on from that, and today is going to be my last session with you," I said in one breath.

She was about to continue but I quickly cut her off midway, "I'm so grateful for you Dr. Lee. You're the epitome of a good person and I know you chose to remain nonchalant just because it's business, but I know you love to be here, listening to your patients share their burden on you. It's why you love your job so much, because you help those in need, even when they don't realize they need it. I really hope we meet again Dr. Lee so I can tell you about all the wonderful things I've done."

Dr. Lees's eyes got watery upon hearing my words, "I see that you're in a much more happier state with the way things are going. There is no reason to thank me, Jamie. Thank yourself for pushing and pulling yourself through the darkest times of your life. I just want you to know that I am very proud of you and of the progress you made. Give yourself some credit too!"

"Oh stop it Dr. Lee. You're gonna make me cry!" I laughed as I grabbed a tissue by her desk.

"You and me both darling."

After a few more hours of talking, time was up and that concluded the last session between me and Dr. Lee. She opened the door for me, which I thanked her for. As I was walking towards the exit, I hear her call out to me.

"One day. We will meet again. Be sure to have your stories ready. My notepad still needs to be filled up."

"For sure Dr. Lee. I will."


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now