Chapter 35 | Spear of Triam 2.0

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Jane's POV:

The girls and I are so pissed at Jamie. He forgot about us once he started dating Elijah, and whenever we would try to talk to him, he'd always walk in the other direction from us. I genuinely want to fight this bitch, but I can't because I love him too much. The rest of my anger goes towards the Golden boy himself. He is being so possessive and obsessed with Jamie.

I noticed that whenever random students would try to talk to Jamie, Elijah would always glare at them, or pull Jamie away from them. Rumors spread that he had his stupid jock friends jump a student just because he winked at Jamie. It was taken with a grain of salt because no one expects the golden boy to be a bad boy. Don't get me wrong like I know we love the sense of being protected, but please, that is some prison shit right there. I know damn well that if I was to talk to Jamie and that ever happened to me, best believe I will fight someone. 

It was morning break and the girls and I were sitting at our designated area just chatting amongst ourselves. We sat there staring at Jamie's new friend group and how he looked so happy with them.

"Honestly as much as I want to bitch slap his face in, I can't because I miss him so much," Annie said looking at the friends.

"Yea, but what can we do. He seems so in love, so I guess we can't even compete with trying to get his attention," Maria said with a sigh.

"Yea true, but I think there is more to what we are seeing ladies. I mean, Jamie would never do this to us, and I think that stupid golden boy has something to do with how he's acting," I said while jotting down my notes needed for our work today.

"Even if something is going on, whatever it is you are suspecting, how would we even get it out of him. He's stuck to Elijah's side at all times," Maria noted.

"How about we ask him to join us for a sleepover?" Annie suggested and Maria and I both looked at each other.

"That sounds good,  and if nothing is going on, at least we have him for the weekend," Maria said.

"Well let's hope that he even accepts. The bell is about to ring, so I'll get going because I have him in the first period, so I'll ask him there," I said gathering my stuff.

Once the bell rang, we were off to our first class of the day. I walked into class and noticed that not many people have arrived. I sat down and pulled out the notes I had taken and placed them on my desk. I was that bitch. The tardy bell had rung, and that's when students started to roll in, making me roll my eyes at the noises they brought into the room. Jamie was among them, and it irritated me because he was never like this. His grades were still good, but he was just becoming more like a pick me bitch, like the rest of his shit group.

"Ok class get inside and settle down, I'm calling roll real soon, so please make it quick," The teacher called out to those lingering in the hall.

Our eyes met. He looked like he wanted to tell me something, but his whole demeanor changed once Elijah placed his hands over his shoulders. If not paid attention too closely, you would have not noticed it, but I noticed that Jamie flinched once Elijah's hands made contact with his shoulders. My whole body erupted with goosebumps. I needed him to agree to the sleepover. There is something bad happening with them. I can feel it.

I could not stop staring at the two. Why did Jamie flinch when he touched him. I needed to talk to him alone because I can't have that shithead listening to our conversation. I took out a small piece of paper and wrote,

'Come to the bathroom. I need to talk to you! Love you


We were halfway through class time, so I knew this was a perfect time. I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. As I was getting up, I started to come up with a believable scenario just to pass the note, and indeed I came up with one. Looking down at my shoes, I stepped on the laces on my left shoe, undoing them. I started making my way to the door, passing desk by desk until I was at their desk. I purposely tripped and fell right in front of them. The room was filled with gasp and laughter, but I gave no shits. I looked up at Jamie who looked down at me in shock.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now