Chapter 42 | The plan.

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We were all huddled up in the Arthurs living room waiting for Jane to propose her plan. I genuinely think it's gonna be great regardless, but we'll just have to wait and see. She had a whole ass projector screen and laptop with google slides, etc. I looked around the room and smiled to myself seeing familiar faces. Sache and Dani were sitting on one couch talking about men's semen, which I found strange. I appreciate that Richard came, but I know he only came to see Jane, who didn't even pay attention to him. Embarrassing bitch.

"Okay shut up, I'm gonna start now," Jane turned off the lights,

"Okay so as we all know, this fuckwit over here is Elijah King. He has APD which is a mental disorder. I'm not gonna explain it because I don't care," She next the slides and it was a hot picture of Elijah.

"Jane can you just cut to the fucking plan," Brandon huffed out in annoyance.

"Oh well sorry dirtbag. Anyways the plan is simple and it's very easy to follow. Jamie tell Maximus I said thanks for the plan. Anyways, the plan is we are going to rule out Elijah and have him confess all the wrong shit that he does. Since he is almost of age, I believe the charges against him would be sufficient but will be reduced due to the mental illness he has," Jane explains.

"How exactly are we going to have him admit?" Benjamin asked.

"Well it is going to be a tough one but I was thinking maybe Jamie could just call him and ask him then and there why he did what he did and we would just all record the conversation for proof," Everyone looked at Jane like they wanted to kill her.

"Jane no offense but that is the dumbest plan I have ever heard," Richard said scrunching his face in disappointment.

"I'll do it," I suddenly said and everyone went quiet,

"I'm tired of everyone treating me like a little kid. I can take one for the team," I said stomping my foot to the ground.

"Calm down Elena Gilbert. For fucks sake," Dani said rolling her eyes.

"Ok then Jamie, you have his number. Make the call," Benjamin said with a smile.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts and I stopped at his name, Elijah <3. I tapped on his name and pressed the automatic dial. The room was so silent, you could hear the ringing. A few seconds in and it has finally been picked up. I immediately put it on speaker.


"Ah, Jamie! Babe! Where have you been? I missed you," Elijah said chuckling through the phone.

"Please I'm not calling to make conversation, I'm calling because I'm breaking up with you," I said trying my best not to falter.

"I don't want to break up Jamie. I love you too much to let you go," My blood was boiling, just hearing him say those words.

"How can you say you love me when you did all those things to me. You don't do that to your loved ones Elijah," I knew I was going to break soon, but I needed to hold the convo until he admits something.

"Exactly what is it that I did to you, Jamie? All I know is I was spoiling and taking care of you. That is what a boyfriend should do," The way in which this man wants to sit there and lie.

"You know what you did Elijah," I heard him giggle,

"I just want to know why," I tried to sound less agitated.

"Okay then. I'll tell you why. Meet me in the woods at four tomorrow. I'll pin you the location, and don't bring anyone else. I want to speak to you in private. Is that clear?" He said sounding sterner.

I have no idea what came over me, but I said:

"Yes sir," in the most obedient way.

He had hung up and I let my phone slip out of my hands. I felt myself lean back, but Brandon caught me, making me rest my head on his lap. Here I am, crying again. That's how you know an abuser fucked with your head because you're so used to answering like a slave, it became a way of living.

"Here's some water," Sache said giving me the cup.

I took small sips as I tried to pace my breathing. Everyone huddled around me, checking to see if I was okay. I am grateful for this bunch. It was time to take action once and for all and to never let a man treat me like that. This shit is about to go down. I picked myself up from Brandon's lap and drank the rest of the water in one go, then standing up to look at every one.

"What is he gonna do?" Dani asked Sache, who just shrugged.

"That plan went to shit, no offense Jane. I already knew off the back that Elijah is setting me up for something dirty," I noted,

"We can only assume the worst at this point. He brings his boys, they all jump me and possibly wipe me off the face of the earth," I said air slitting my throat with my hands.

"How do you know for sure?" Brandon asked.

"Because if Elijah can take me out to the woods and have his cousin beat me to death, then I'm sure it wouldn't matter if he added twenty more in on the fun," I replied nonchalantly.

"So what are we going to be doing?" Jane asked.

"I know what Elijah is going to do. I will go to the woods tomorrow, but you all will be following just so you can record it. A simple voice record won't do anything, but a living video proof will do the trick," I explained.

"Well if we do blow our cover, we won't be enough to fight them all. You said it yourself that the dude will bring like twenty people," Maria noted.

"I made a few special arrangements," Janes doorbell rang.

"My ladies and gentlemen, the air support has arrived," I opened the door to show Marcus standing next to his lovely boyfriend, Sky Ravel.

Sky and I grew quite close over the months I was with Elijah and probably the only one who knew before anyone else. I told him not to tell Marcus, and he did

"What is he doing here?" Brandon sprung up from the couch.

"Did you think I was going to let us go into the woods? Without backup?" I gave him a smirk.

Everyone's attention was taken by the rest of the cars that pulled up outside the house. Those are the rest of Marcus's friend group when he was attending high school.

"Well if that's the case, then I'm calling my boys as well," Brandon said walking away with his phone.

"Wait what is going on?" Benjamin asked and Sky walked into the living room.

"We are going to war bitches!"

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now