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What characters do you want to hear more from in the story?

How do you feel if Yara were to get pregnant? Too soon or acceptable timing?

Do you like the family scenes in this book?

Do you feel like the chapters are too short or are they okay?

Would you want to see additional love interests? If so for who?

Are you team Jayceon or Team Ben?

Would you like me to add more pictures in this story?

How do you feel about flashback scenes? Like them or don't?

What's one thing you do and do not like about this story.

Which characters are your favorite?

Which characters are your least favorite?

What was your favorite chapter/scene in the book?

What do you have to say to the characters:





Kehlani: (btw, she will be appearing more in this book!)

Do you have any feedback for the book? 😌✍🏾

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