Chapter 38

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*Ronnie's POV*

L.A. was absolutely beautiful and was a much needed break from home and life. Jeffrey and I had spent every waking moment together with Charlie. He had to take a couple days to go work out some acting gigs but other than that he was at home with us. Home. That was such an off word to use with our situation.

"Hey darling!" I heard Jeffrey call out through the apartment. I was sitting out on the balcony with Charlie. She was playing with playdoh and I was reading a book. "Out here!" I called back as I slid a picture in the book to mark my page and close it. Jeffrey came through the curtains and grinned as soon as he saw us.

He was in a pair of jeans and a dark t-shirt. His sunglasses were perched on his nose and a unlit cigarette between his lips. He walked past Charlie and ruffled her hair before coming and sitting on the chair next to me. "How's my two favorite ladies?" he asked as he fished a lighter out of his pocket.

Charlie looked up at him and smiled a toothy grin before holding up one of her playdoh creations. "What is that, bug?" he asked her as he blew out some smoke. She smashed it between her hands. "Squished!" she exclaimed while going to make something else. Jeffrey chuckled and took another puff off of his cigarette.

"And how is mommy?" he asked while looking over at me. I smiled and patted the book. "Just fine. I think I really needed a break like this," I said. Jeffrey reached over and patted my leg gently. "You definitely did," he said before throwing his cigarette over the balcony. I rolled my eyes watching him throw it over the edge.

I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair enjoying the warm sun as it came out from behind the clouds. "I want to go out tonight," Jeffrey said. I opened one of my eyes and looked over at him. "What time is it? Charlie will need a nap and a bath before we go. Me too," I said. Jeffrey cracked a smile.

"You can get a nap and a bath, but I was wondering if we could go out. Just me and you," he said. This time both my eyes came open and I looked over at him. I felt one of my eyebrows raise slightly. "Jeffrey Dean, are you asking me out?" I asked him feeling my face go a little bit red.

Jeffrey's smile grew. "Maybe, if that's the way you want to look at it. We need some adult time," he said. My heart started beating fast and hard. I could feel my face becoming more red. "Your cheeks are red, darling," he said. I reached over and punched his shoulder gently. "Shut up," I mumbled.
He reached over and tried to grab my hand but I grabbed his wrist and flipped it over so I could look at his watch. "What time are you wanting to leave?" I asked him seeing that it was just a little after two in the afternoon. "I have dinner reservations for six," he said. I let his arm drop and looked up at him.

"You already had this planned?" I asked him. He chuckled and nodded. "What if I would've said no?" I asked him. He smiled. "I would've taken Charlie," he said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh shit, Charlie," I said looking over at her. She was still elbow deep in her playdoh. "What about her?" he asked.

I looked over at him. "If you're wanting to go by ourselves who is going to watch her?" I asked him. He patted my knee and left his hand there. "Don't worry, I had that already planned too," he said. I reached down and placed my hand on top of his. Jeffrey flipped his hand over and laced his fingers with mine.

"How are we dressing?" I asked him knowing that I didn't have a lot of stuff with me though Brittany had packed and shipped my bags over. "Don't worry, I'm sure Brittany gave you some good choices to choose from," he said. He was right. She most likely had. There was a couple pieces at the bottom of my suitcase that she most likely packed for this occasion. I would say that Jeffrey told her about it his plans.

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