Crybaby #2

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***You're a bike mechanic and agree to fix Crybaby's motorbike even though you're on a lunch break***

Do you ever have those days when you're relaxing and someone interrupts your moment of peace by asking you do something for them?

That's what happened today.

"Bye, have a safe journey home." I called happily to the old man who's car I had just repaired.
He'd come in with a flat tyre and a broken clutch, which was a damn pain because I didn't really know what to do with it afterwards. I don't know how he broke it, but I insisted he be careful in future because he might end up having an accident.

Thinking about it, I doubted that this advice would do much good since he came in so often with some sort of breakage in his Mini that needed a fixer upper.

I was actually getting quite peed off with him, because this was the seventh time in two weeks and he always asked for me, even when I was doing something else. Personally, I just wished he'd bum off elsewhere.

I fully respect the elderly and everything, but I think grandad might be better off with a mobility scooter rather than the first ever Mini car made.

Anyways, he had been my fifth customer of the day and so I was extremely tired and wanted to take a nap. It was also sweltering outside so that didn't really help my case. But my annoyance turned around to happiness because I had sudden realised that it was my lunch break.

I practically ran into the employees room or whatever its called, I don't really pay attention to the signs and sat down to eat. I hungrily opened up my cartoon lunchbox and started wolfing down my ham and cheese sandwiches and banana.
Yum yum.

I was only half through my second sandwich when my friend BFF/N, who was dressed in dirty and tattered overalls and a pink bandana thing, poked her head round the door and started asking me for something.

I looked up annoyed. This was the only ever time that I didn't have to spend talking to people and to be alone.

"Can't you see man's on break?" I snapped. I am a girl, but some of my guy friends are 'roadmen', so I'd picked up their 'language'.
"Sorry." I apologised. "It's just I'm on break, it's hot outside and I'm hungry."

She nodded, but continued.

"Sorry Y/N, but there's a guy here who urgently requires your services."

"Sorry BFF/N," I said again, this time through a mouthful of banana. "But I'm kinda busy at the moment."

"He's cute." She added, her lips stretched into a smile and her eyebrows raised. "But, if your busy, I guess I'm just going to have to ask someone else to mend his bike then." She turned on her heel and went to walk away.

Uh uh.

"Oh look at that, I'm finished being busy." I shoveled the rest of my food in my mouth and swallowed, coughing when it went the wrong way. I shoved my lunch box in my satchel and practically ran to the door, my boots going squelch clonk, squelch clonk. I paused.
"How cute is he?"

"Gorgeous." She grinned, a bit of her fringe hanging in front of her left eye. "You should see his cheekbones. I wish mine were that high."

"Say no more." I said, interrupting her. Yanking open the grimy door, I quickly squelched over to where the guy I was going to service was waiting.

And BFF/N was right.

The guy was aBsOlUtElY bEaUtIfUl.

He was wearing a black leather jacket and tight jean trouser thingies and his dark hair was slicked back and shiny with gel. And there was a single teardrop tattooed under his left eye.

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