Johnny Depp #5

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***Imagine being Johnny's best friend in high school***

Midnight (well almost) is the witching hour, when the witches, the boogeymen and lots of others come out in the dead of night. Some people may say three, one or two, but I think it's midnight.

I don't believe in any of those mythical beings I just mentioned, but I do believe in aliens, ghosts, spirits, guardian angels and such.

*Dong dong dong dong* goes the grandfather clock downstairs. I counted twelve chimes. Twelve chimes mean midnight. Twelve chimes mean the start of another day.

Anyways, my best friend Johnny Depp is staying over at my house for a sleepover. We've been best friends since nursery and we're both more or less inseparable.

Johnny is currently in the nice little guest room down the hall, assumably sleeping. If he's not then he's probably (like me) being kept awake by the thunderstorm outside.

Yes, there's a thunderstorm outside right now.

The rain is pouring, the thunder rumbling loudly like a stomach and the bright white lighting is striking in the far distance.

Goosebumps are up and down my back, legs and arms, even though I'm wrapped up in my soft fluffy dressing gown. The radiator is timed to come on I wait and wait and wait, but it doesn't turn on. I think it may be broken. That'll teach my parents to try and fix it themselves.


I reached over and switched my bedside lamp on (a bright soft gold light flooding my room). Then I picked up the book I was reading: Danny the champion of the world by Roald Dahl.

It was one of my favourite Roald Dahl books.

I especially liked the bit when I'll leave you to read the book. I don't want to spoil anything, especially if you haven't read it yet.

Then, I heard footsteps across the landing. It was probably my parents coming to tell me to go to sleep and to please "Put that damn light out."

I wasn't going to take a chance, so I quickly switched my bedside lamp off, put down my book and burrowed down under my duvet, trying to make it look like I was fast asleep.

I heard my door creak open, then shut. Someone was cautiously walking in.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice whisper.

"Johnny?" I asked, sitting up and swinging my legs out of bed."Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I was just making sure you are."

I blushed hard. "That's sweet. Are you alright?"

"I'm okay. I just can't get to sleep. The thunderstorm is keeping me awake."

"Me too." I turned the lamp back on and was able to see Johnny clearer now.

Johnny was wearing a black dressing gown over the top of a grey t-shirt and some black pyjama bottoms. He was wearing black socks on his feet and his face sporting a kind yet tired eyed expression.

"Can I sit?"


We exchanged conversation for a while before we both started yawning. I moved closer to Johnny and put my head on his arm. I was so fricking tired and needed to rest my sleepy head.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just tired."

Johnny put his arm around me and told me just to close my eyes and go to sleep.

Johnny's POV:

Once Y/N had drifted off, I continued to keep her in my embrace for the next few hours.
It must've been around two in the morning when I started to yawn. I leaned my head on hers and rubbed my eyes with my free hand. To be honest, I was still very much awake and wasn't even remotely t-

*Falls asleep*

****Hope you enjoyed this short story. More soon😘****

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