John Dillinger #1

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***Thank you BayBay08 for helping me with this and a few of my other stories. I owe you a lot. Please check out their stories, they're awesome.***

Imagine John Dillinger
kidnapping you, without anyone knowing you had gone...


It was just another normal cold winter day. The warm fire was blazing brightly in the fireplace and my big sister (to say the least) was bugging me.
I was curled up on the living room big red sofa eating a packet of crisps, as I read my favourite book.

"Not that book again Y/N. You've read that loads of times. Why don't you read a good romance?" Asked my older sister, Kathy, coming up to me and tugging my book (Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie) forcefully from me and pushing a book into my hands.

"This is the kinda stuff you should be reading." She said, pushing a different book into my hands, before snatching my crisps and cramming them into her mouth.

I stared at the cover. The cover was a picture of a couple holding hands and staring soppily at each other.


"No way José." I protested, taking my book back and tossing the soppy romance novel back into Kathy's lap. "I'd sooner impale myself on a cactus."

"You're loss. Besides, I don't know why you're fussing, literally everyone kisses and shows affection." She said through a mouthful of MY salt and vinegar crisps. "Even day anyway."

I scoffed.

"Yeah, but-"

"Oh save your breath Y/N. You're only seventeen."

"Twenty." I corrected.

"Whatever. I'm going out." Kathy said dismissively, bouncing up off the sofa and grabbing her handbag from the armchair. "Do I look ok?"

I observed my sister. One of her false lashes were crooked.
"Yes," I lied. "You look fine."

"Good. Now stay here with your nerd book you geek and wait for me to get back. Mum is not going to be back till six tonight, so I'm in charge... temporarily."

"Ok." I sighed. I'd learnt that there was no point in arguing with Kathy.

And with that, she flounced out of the room. Several seconds later I heard the front door slam.

I was on my own. I was finally on my own. I could do whatever I wanted. Well...

Time skip - half an hour later.

I'd only been upstairs a few minutes when I heard a loud smash and then a thud from downstairs. I was wondering if it was our family cat. Then I realised we didn't have one.
Or maybe clumsy Kathy had tripped and bumped into something like she always did when she wore those wibble wobble high heels of hers. But I hadn't heard the door open or be unlocked.

I weighed out the possibilities of the caused noise as I climbed down the stairs.

Then I saw something that made my heart stop as I peeked around the living room door.

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