Chapter 26

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"Okay guys, let's start from the beginning of the scene where you're talking in the woods. We'll do this first without cameras then we will add those in when you're ready. We had the rest of the cast members removed for this so you feel more comfortable and don't get distracted. Ready?" The director asks us and we nod, positioning ourselves on a log sitting next to each other.

"You don't like me do you?" Chandler as Carl asks me, and I turn a little to him and give him a look.
"I'm indecisive on that," I reply and he smiles a little while staring at me.
"What?" I ask uncomfortably and this is it. Chandler hesitates then pulls me to his lips. I'm supposed to be surprised and then start to kiss back before realizing what's going on and push him off. But it's really hard to focus when I am kissing Chandler. Luckily, I'm able to think enough to push him off of me, even though that's really difficult. The director yells cut.

"Okay that was better than I expected. Ally, make sure to pay attention to what you're doing. I know you're kissing a cute boy, but remember that you're still acting," he says to me and I'm slightly offended. What's that supposed to mean? "Chandler," he continues. "Try not to look so excited and try to control your blushing. Guys, make the kiss a little longer. Let's try it again, from the top."

Chandler and I share a look and try not to laugh. This time the kiss felt more comfortable, and I was able to do what I was supposed to. I want to keep messing up, so that I could keep kissing him. Wait, what? Stop thinking that, Ally. Think about Zak. Keep it professional. But I don't want to. Ugh. I hate feelings getting in the way of everything. After two more kisses, both of them as amazing as the first, they teach me how to fake hit. Chandler looks kind of scared, especially after I almost actually punch him. After practicing that a few times, they start rolling the cameras.

This time, after he kisses me, I push him off and "punch" him in the nose. Then I storm off into the woods and Chandler follows me. The end. We practice this one more time, and I make sure to put all of my energy into this take and give it 100%. This could be the last time I kiss him for a while, and I want to make it memorable and amazing.

After that, we get applause and the director says that we're finished with that scene. Chandler helps me up and walks me to my trailer.
"That was something," he says after an awkward silence.
"Yeah. You did great," I reply, glancing at him to see he was thinking hard. "What are you thinking about?"
"Us," he replies simply.
"What about us?"
He hesitates before answering. "I like kissing you. Does that sound weird? I'm sorry. I really am trying to be just friends, but I know you like me too. Even if you also like Zak," he says quietly, insure how I'm going to react. I feel the same way. But I don't think I should tell him that.

"Chandy, you're right. I do like you. It's just that I also like Zak. And I want to give him a chance. I just need some time to figure out what I'm feeling and what I should do," I reply, and we stop outside my trailer. Facing him, I see the sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Chandler," I add. He nods.
"I understand. But-" he hesitates then leans in and kisses me, quickly, but with so much power to it. I feel butterflies go crazy in my stomach and my knees go weak. This kiss wasn't like the others. This was better. This is Chandler kissing me, not Harley. "Just think about it, okay? You have as much time as you need. I'll be here," he says, before walking away to his trailer, leaving me breathless and confused. And... a little in love.

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