Chapter 19

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I arrive at the photo shoot wearing a black hot topic dress and combat boots. I hope they don't make me change into an outfit they picked out when I get there, because I really like this dress. The photo shoot and interview are for a magazine doing a walking dead story. That's all I know so far, but I'm really nervous for the interview.

Josie and I walk into the shooting room and I'm quickly whisked away to the makeup room. Since I'm already wearing my usual makeup, they only powder my face and add a deep red lipstick. They straighten my hair and I'm sent back out to take the pictures. Luckily, I am still wearing my dress. I pose and for the most part I am doing whatever I want to. After the photoshoot, I am lead into a small room where a cameraman and an interviewer sit.

"Hello, Alyssa. My name is Eloise, an I'm interviewing you for teen vogue magazine," she introduces herself and I give my best smile. "Great to meet you," I reply happily. We get started quickly.
"So tell me, how did you get the part of Harley Dixon? Please restate the question in your answer," she starts off and I try to answer well.
"I auditioned for the part of Harley not really expecting to get the part. I just did my best acting, and when I got the call that I had gotten it, it was a very big surprise. It was amazing," I answer, hoping that was what she was looking for.
"What is it like working with the cast?"
"It's great working with the cast! They're all very nice and it's like I'm a part of the family already," I answer, even though I've only really talked to Chandler and Emily.
"You and Chandler are now the only kids on set. Are you two friends, enemies, in a relationship?"
How do I answer this? "Chandler and I have actually met twice before i started the show," I answer and she looks surprised.
"Really? How?"
"I was actually a really big fan of the show, and I had a big crush on Chandler. I bought a photo op to get a picture with him at a comic con," I admit with a small laugh. "Then I ran into him again later that year," I add, and I know this is the kind of stuff she wants.
"Alright, one more question. Is there anything you can tell us about your character or her future on the show?"
"I know about as much as the viewers do at this point. I get the script for the beginning of season 5 in two weeks," I answer and she smiles.
"Thank you. that's it for the interview. Before you leave can you tell me what you're wearing?" I quickly tell her, I sign something for her kids and I walk out of the room. That wasn't too bad, I just hope everyone else thinks so.

I find Josie, and she takes me home. "The magazine comes out in a week. They're going to send a copy to you when it does. bye, sweetie. Tell Scar I said hi," She says, and drives off. Now all I have to do is wait.

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