Chapter 21

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(Picture of Zak's hair/outfit and kind of what he looks like)

Being me, I pretend like I don't see them and pray they don't see me. I get out my phone and start pretending to text. I walk a while until I get to hot topic, and I think I made it without being noticed. I walk towards the back and start browsing for new stuff. I'm looking at some Twenty One Pilots shirts when I see someone come up beside me.

"Great band," the guy says and I smile.
"Yeah, they're the best," I reply, turning a little to check him out. Very cute, very emo... but I do have to admit I have a thing for emo guys if they're cute and not annoying.
"Have I seen you before from somewhere?" He asks me.
"Maybe. Do you watch the Walking Dead?" I answer and I see recognition cross his face.
"Ohhh aren't you Alyssa or something? I don't really watch it but my friend showed me a pic of you once," he replies and I nod.
"Yeah, that's me. What's your name?"
"Zak. Could I get your number?"
"Sure. Just don't give it out to anyone."
I put my number into his phone and he leaves. He was so hot, oh my god.

I hear someone clear their throat behind me as soon as Zak leaves the store. I turn to see Chandler standing there with Sam a few feet behind him. "Hey, Chandler. What's up?" I ask casually, and he puts on a fake smile.
"Nothing. Who was he?" Nosy much?

"Zak. why do you care?" I reply rudely. I'm not very happy with him because he is hanging out with Sam. He rolls his eyes. "Ally. You shouldn't be giving your number out to random people. And especially him, you don't really think he is cute, do you?" He lectures me and I push past him to buy my shit and get out. I'm so sick of this. I buy a couple shirts and leave, and unfortunately Sam and Chandler are still following me. I knew Sam could be this annoying but I honestly thought Chandler was better. I like him, but he is being a dick. He runs up beside me and tries to grab my hand. I pull away.
"What did I do?" He asks me and I roll my eyes.
"Sam, really? And you've kinda been ignoring me," I answer and he sighs.
"You know Sam and I have been friends for a really long time. Some girl isn't going to change that. I have not been ignoring you. Ally, the last time I saw you it was awesome. I really thought you liked me and now you're getting some dudes number like I don't exist," he complains and I stop an turn to him.
"So now I'm just 'some girl?' Last time I checked we weren't dating, and you don't get to be this controlling. I can talk to whoever the hell I want to and you can continue to hang out with that douchebag. I don't really care anymore, especially if you're already acting like this and we aren't even together. I don't deserve that. Bye, Chandler. See you on set," I answer, and leave him so he can talk bad about me with Sam. I walk outside to see, of course, it's raining. That's just my luck.

I quickly start walking, but after only a minute, a truck pulls up next to me. Ugh this is so awkward. I look into the truck to see Zak smiling and motioning for me to get in. Eh, what do I have to lose? He doesn't seem like a serial killer, so I decide to get in.
"You're walking in this? You must be freezing," he says, handing me a jacket he had on the seat next to me, and I gratefully put it on. "where do you live?" He asks.
"You're not going to tell a bunch of people where I live, right?" I ask jokingly and he laughs and shakes his head. He has a really cute laugh. I give him directions and he takes me home. Surprisingly, it's not awkward at all. He is really funny, so I was laughing the whole time, and there was never a second of quiet. He drops me off, and I try to give him back his jacket. He tells me to keep it, and drives away before I can refuse. Good, because this jacket is super comfy.

********later that day*******
I hear a knock on my bedroom door and I open to have Scar tell me that Chandler is here to talk to me. I groan quietly and go to see him.
He smiles at me and before I can say anything he is apologizing.
"Ally, I'm really sorry. I was being stupid and after you said all of that I realized how right you were. Sam is a douche and I was acting like that because I was just jealous. You aren't just some girl and you really mean a lot to me. I know I was being an asshole, but please forgive me," he says and I frown. I know he said sorry, but I am one to hold grudges and I still don't know if I can trust him not to act like that again.

"Chandler, please just leave. I need time to think about this," I reply, and he looks disappointed. He expected to apologize and it would all be fine, but I'm not okay with controlling guys.
He leaves sadly and I return to my room. What should I do? Maybe I could forgive him and just be friends with Zak... or I could take a chance with Zak and if it doesn't work out I'm sure Chandler will still be there. And if it does work out, good for me. Besides, I really do need to focus on Chandler and I being friends. But I do still like Chandler. I still need to think about this...

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