Chapter 15

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"Hey. Is this a bad time...?" He ask shyly and I shake my head. "No, it's fine. Do you want to come in?" I ask and his mouth tilts up slightly. "Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with some of the cast and I," he explains and I look at the driveway to see Norman's car instead of Chandler's motorcycle. "Um- I'm not sure..." I say awkwardly. "Please? You're the only one my age, and it's going to be really fun, I promise," he pleads and I give in. I quickly tell him I'll be out in a minute and rush into the house.

I brush my hair as quickly as humanly possible and add a little more eyeliner. I change from my plain black T-shirt into a cute Guns N' Roses shirt and put on my converse. Grabbing my phone, I get out of the house, having only spent two minutes getting ready. I hop in the car to see Norman, Steven, and Lauren are in the car. "Hey Alyssa! How are you doing?" Lauren asks and I give a convincing smile, successfully looking as if my life hasn't been falling apart. "I'm good. It's great to see you guys again," I say, and we drive away.

I take out my phone and quickly text my sister and tell her I went out with the cast. Before I can put my phone away my phone vibrates and I see Chandler texted me. I glance up at him then open the text.

Chandler: what happened with Sam last night and just barely?

Me: he kissed some chick last night, I punched him in the face, then this morning he told me he wants to "still date me, but date other people at the same time" so I kicked him out.

I don't look at Chandler even though I can feel his eyes on me.

Chandler: I had no clue he was that big of a douche. I'm sorry.

Me: it's fine. don't worry about it.

Chandler: I also want to apologize about what I did last night. if you just want to be friends, that's okay with me.

Me: thank you. :)

I put my phone in my pocket and tune into the conversation going on around us. I'm glad Chandler apologized. Hopefully we can be friends now, despite my original plan to be alone forever. About 15 minutes later we pull up to a really big house. "Who's house is this?" I ask and Lauren raises her hand from the front. "Mine. You like it?" She asks in her British accent. "Hell yeah! It's beautiful!" I answer and she grins. "Glad you like it. Are you guys up for a party?"


After an hour of setting up, people are starting to show up, and Chandler pulls me aside. "So I know you probably know this already, but I didn't really when I first started acting, so I just wanted to remind you not to tell anyone anything about yourself or the show. you don't want anyone finding out where you live, who your family is yet, or anything that will give away mic about your character or anyone else's. Okay?" he says quickly and I nod. "I've got it," I reply and he grins. The room has already started to fill up, and he looks away for a second, giving me the chance to check him out. He's wearing jeans, and a blue flannel shirt over a Fall Out Boy shirt. "Since when do you like Fall Out Boy?" I ask and he blushes and looks at the floor. "After you told me about them, I checked them out and now they are one of my favorites," he answers shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as he talks, and when he finishes, he looks directly into my eyes. Damn. He's so hot.

And wow! I introduced him to one of his favorite bands. This whole time I've been thinking that he kind of just forgot about me after we parted ways last year, but maybe I did impact his life at least a little bit. I smile and look into his eyes. "Well, Chandy, do you want to dance?" I ask confidently, and I can see his eyes light up when I call him 'Chandy.' "Of course! And if you get to call me that, can I call you Ally?" he asks and I take his hand. "Sure. But you better fell pretty special I'm letting you call me that," I answer, then I turn around and lead him into the next room where they're blasting Rabbit Hole by Natalia Kills. The room is already very crowded, and I turn to face him, biting my lip and praying that I look cute and not stupid doing it.

He smiles and spins me around. I can't help but grin as I remember what it was like a year ago when I could only dream of this moment. I'm lucky! I'm doing everything I dreamed of: acting in the Walking Dead, Chandler Riggs is falling for me, and I'm super rich. This is perfect. Chandler and I dance for the rest of the song like we're the only ones there, and it feels good to finally let my guard down and have fun with someone. I forgot what it was like to forget about my problems and feel like a regular teenage girl. Chandler make me feel like that. I have to admit, I'm falling for him all over again.

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