Chapter 7

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The next day, Chandler went back to wherever he lived. I tore down all of my Chandler Riggs posters, stopped watching the watching the Walking Dead, and deleted my picture with him from my phone and computer. I eventually moved on with life and I stopped cutting. It's still tempting sometimes, but I haven't done it for 5 months. Amber got a restraining order against me, but that's okay. I'm glad I get to stay away from her. My anxiety has gotten much better, from taking medication, so I've been much happier. I have been in a commercial and a bunch of plays, trying to get my acting career started, but no big roles yet. A little over a year after Chandler, Scar is getting ready to move out. And she is taking me with her! I think we are moving to Atlanta. I've heard it's pretty great there. We are leaving tomorrow, so my room is all packed up, and it's the cleanest I've ever seen it.

Surprisingly, Cade and my mom are pretty sad about us leaving, but they haven't changed much this past year, so I'm sure they'll be fine. I lay down on my bed for the last time and eventually fall asleep.


"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" I open my eyes to see Scar jumping on top of me, already dressed and ready. I groan and turn over. I've never been a morning person. "Go away," I say tiredly. She didn't give up though. She turns on my radio full blast playing that one Happy song by Pharell Williams. "Noooo!" I exclaim, jumping out of bed to turn it off. God, I hate that song. She laughs evilly and walks out of my room. I guess it's time to get ready.

I throw on some short jean shorts, and my favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers tank top and some black flip flops. I quickly brush my hair and put it in a side braid then apply some black eyeliner. I was ready. I take a deep breath then take one last look at my room. I smile and shut my door. I'm glad to be leaving my old life behind. It's time to start over.


We arrived at our new apartment in Atlanta about 2 hours ago. It was pretty nice, and at least I was away from all my moms old rules. I relax on our couch and turn on Doctor Who. About halfway through, I get a call on my cell and see it's from my agent, Josie Hammilton. "Hello," I answer happily. I love Josie. She's like an Aunt to me. "Good news, kiddo! I got you an audition," she says. "For what?" I ask curiously. I hope it's not another lame commercial."the Walking Dead!" She exclaims and I go silent. Did I hear her right? The walking dead. Shit. "Ally, you there?" Josie asks me worriedly. "Um, yeah," I say, getting my voice back. "So are you interested?" She asks me hurriedly. I decide to do it. I mean, I probably won't get the part anyways, and Chandler probably doesn't even remember me. "When, where, and for what part?"

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