Chapter 6

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My mom got home at 2:00. As I had guessed, she had a hangover. She slumped onto the couch and groaned. I walked into the room and approached my mom. Usually I don't talk to her when she gets home, but I think this is worth it. "Mom?" I ask nervously. She squinted her eyes open a little bit and glared at me. She didn't say anything, so I took her silence as an invitation to continue. "Can I hang our with my friends tomorrow?" She opens her eyes completely. "Are they boys?" She asks suspiciously.

Of course she would ask that. "Yes," I reply, looking at her in the eyes. She sighed. "You are too young to have a boyfriend, Alyssa Monique." I hated when she used my full name. And I was fourteen! "Mom. I don't have a crush on every boy I hang out with. He's just a friend," I say calmly. I've always been a pretty good actress, being a great liar is one of the perks. "Fine, but no kissing!" She said in her whiny voice, getting up and walking to her room. God she's annoying. But still, I have a date with Chandler tomorrow!

20 minutes before my date

I finish doing my hair in cute beach waves and look myself over in my body mirror. Winged eyeliner, red ACDC crop top, plain black leggings and combat boots. I looked as hot as I could get. I put on my leather bracelets I never leave the house without and my key necklace. I was ready.

I navigate my way through my messy room, and wait in the living room for him to pick me up. I find my sister sitting on the sofa staring off into space. When she sees me, she grins. "You look so cute! Where are you going?" I blush a little. I had forgotten to tell her about my date. "Chandler is taking me somewhere," I said calmly, even though I was actually freaking out. She gasps and ran up to hug me. Then when she pulls apart, she frowned. "What," I ask, confused. "I don't want to be 'that person' but don't get your hopes up too high, Ally. He is probably leaving soon and I don't want to see you get hurt." We lived on the other side of Georgia as him. It was a reasonable thing to say. I nodded and smile. Then she lightens up. "Have fun," she said, spinning me around to face the door to see him walking up our porch steps.

Chandler knocked on the door and I opened it casually, acting as if I hadn't just been freaking out. He looked me up and down and smiled. I took that as a compliment.

"Ready to go?" He asked perfectly. I grinned. "Hell yeah!" I exclaimed and he laughed. I pulled the door closed behind me and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his motorcycle. We hopped on and he sped off. It was perfect. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, but not in our eyes, it wasn't too hot or too cold. Chandler went faster and I tightened my hold on him slightly. I loved the spring time, and spending my time with the guy I loved made it so much better. After about 5 minutes, he pulled up in front of an ice cream shop. He holds out his hand after we got off his motorcycle, and I intertwine our fingers. We walked into the store and ordered our ice cream.

We sat down across from each other at a table by the window and I meet Chandler's eyes. He smiles an my stomach is filled with butterflies. "So, Ally," he says, leaning back in his seat. "So, Chandy," I said, doing the same. We laugh a little, but suddenly he looks a little annoyed, and he's no longer looking at me. I follow his gaze to a group of people behind us. Shit. It was a group of girls that go to my school, and I'm not sure why, but they do not like me. They are looking at Chandler and whispering excitedly, and then two of them, Amber and Shelly, walk up to us. "Can we get a picture with you, Chandler?" They ask, completely ignoring me. He nods and looks at me apologetically. They quickly take a picture together, then Chandler sits back down. "Now excuse me, ladies. I have to get back to my date," he says while gesturing to me. Then they notice me.

"Aww, you took the whore on a pity date! That's so nice of you," Shelly says to Chandy, giving me a death glare and crossing her arms across her chest. Her thin blonde hair is sticking up funny in the back, and I resisted the urge to laugh. Amber bats her eyes, that have about 80 coats of cheap, clumpy mascara on them, at Chandler and leans on the table, showing her cleavage off and gives him a crooked smile. "Why don't you ditch this bitch and hang out with us, huh babe? Then she can get back to slitting her wrists," she said annoyingly. Fuck this, I wasn't going to just sit there and get insulted like that.

I stand up quickly and pin her against a wall. I'm pretty strong,ban we both knew I could kick her ass. "Fucking say that again, bitch," I snarl, getting in her face. I can feel her shaking underneath me, and her eyes are wide in fear. I smirk and let her go, turning to leave. She almost fell, but Shelly helped her. "Thats what I thought," I said smugly. "I bet she's too scared to do anything anyway," I hear Amber say to Shelly. That pissed me off. I spin around, connect my fist with her ugly face, and I hear the sound of her nose breaking. Okay so maybe I had anger issues. Chandler rushes up to me and pulls me outside before I could do anything else. He didn't stop pulling me until we were by his bike.

"What the hell?" He asks angrily. I avoid eye contact with him and sigh. So this date is ruined. "They think it's fucking funny that I cut, and they are evil bitches. Amber deserved it," I spit out, obviously more angry than him. He doesn't say anything and I turn from him. "I'll walk home," I said, walking away from him. I figured he was going to take me home anyway, because now he knew, and he probably doesn't want a girl that wants to die and gets in fights. It's better if I left then, before he leaves me.

I made it to the end of the parking lot when I heard Chandler's motorcycle coming close. I turn around, confused. He pulls up next to me. "Get on," he said quietly. I start to protest, but he looked at me a certain way, and I gave up. I got on behind him. Instead of taking me to my house like I had previously thought, he took me to a park. I followed him to a park bench, and we sat down. It overlooked a pond, and there were flowers and trees all over. It was really beautiful, but right now I wasn't focused on that. My eyes were glued on Chandler.

At this point, I had no idea what he was going to say. His eyes were glued on the lake. "You were right. Amber did deserve it," he said. What. I did not expect that. When I didn't say anything, he continued. "I'm sorry I got mad. I just really didn't know how to react. Forgive me?" I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting this at all. "Why me?" I ask him desperately. He looks at me confused. "You could literally have any girl you want, and you choose me? I'm sorry, but I can't do this to you." What was I doing? "You deserve someone better, Chandy." Stop now. I could have everything I've ever wished for, and now I was throwing it all away. "Take me home, and forget about me. Please," I say finally. No going back now. Chandler looked like he was about to cry, and I think I was about to as well, but I knew this was better. Who was I kidding? This would never have worked.
He pulled up to my house and before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist gently. "Ally, please," Chandler pleaded. I had started crying on the way here, but right now I didn't care. I just wanted to go home, and forget all about him. He looked so sad, and I was tempted to apologize, to run back to him, but I couldn't. I couldn't handle being with him. Always knowing he could do better, and always worrying that one day he would realize it too. I smile sadly at him. "I'm so sorry, Chandy," I said, and I gently kissed him before running to my house in tears.

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