Chapter 36

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(Picture of Meg)

Shit. I'm in so much trouble. We're sitting in the principals office waiting for him to come in and yell at us. Meg and I share nervous glances and giggles. We're still a bit high. We hear the door open behind us and the principal walks in with a stern expression on his face.

"Do you girls know how much trouble you could be in?"
We nod and he looks like he's having the worst day ever.
"Good. I'll let you off with a warning. If I catch you doing it again you could be suspended and even sent to juvenile detention. Are we clear?"

We nod again and he seems satisfied.
"What class do you ladies have right now?" He asks. We tell him our classes and he smiles meanly.
"I'll escort you to your classes. I need to talk to your teachers. Follow me," he says standing up and leaving the room. We quickly follow, grinning like idiots that we got off with a warning.

After we drop meg off at her history class, we go to my art class. This is going to be awkward. He practically pushes me into the room, and tells me to go to my seat. He goes to the teacher and they share whispers, while I walk to the back corner of the room, where Chandler, and Anna are staring at me. I sit next to Anna and she gives me a confused look.

"Dude, are you high?" She asks and chuckles.

"I got caught smoking with Meg. Oops," I say giggling.
"Are you stupid? You got high?" Chandler whispers angrily. What's his problem?
"It's fine, I got off with a warning," I reply and smile at him. He shakes his head and gives me a 'we'll talk later' look. Whatever.

Luckily, the bell rings signaling the end of class. I hurry out of class and go to my last class. I sleep through most of it.

Chandler gives me an awkward ride home and after I get off his bike I try to leave, but he follows me.
"What the hell, Alyssa," he says grabbing my arm and turning me angrily.
"I don't want to talk about it," I mumble, trying to shake his grasp. He doesn't let go.
"I don't care. We're going to talk about this." I don't know if I've ever seen him this angry.
"Fine," I sigh and pull my arm away. I glare at him and he gives me the same look.
"He kissed you," he comments accusingly. I roll my eyes.
"It was a kiss on the cheek. We're only friends. How many times do I have to tell you that? Why can't you just trust me?"

He considers this and his eyes soften a bit. "Okay. I'm sorry. But why the hell were you smoking? Especially with meg," he says and the edge returns to his eyes.
"Because I've had a really fucking bad day! I couldn't go to class and face you, and I don't bring my razor to school. I give up. Fuck it," I say and shrug. "And I like meg." I don't really see why it's that big of a deal...

He stares into my eyes harshly, and I hold his stare. I'm not going to back down from this. I'm stubborn as hell.
"I'm disappointed in you," he says and, even though I can practically hear my heart breaking, I keep my face neutral.
"You are not my dad. Fuck off," I reply and give him my best glare. He steps back a little and looks hurt.
"Ally, please. This isn't you," he says softly.
"It is now. Just go," I reply with no emotion in my voice. I'm not letting my guard down until he's out of sight. He stays for a second but finally gives up.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he says sadly and walks away. I watch him drive away and I finally let myself go. I run to my room and burst into tears. I don't want to be alone right now.

A/N: I'm going to be finishing this book in a few chapters! Thanks for reading this you guys are the best <3

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