Chapter 27

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I'm really confused. I don't know who I want or what I want. This is all I can think about. Chandler, that kiss, the way I felt. I need to stop lying to myself. I really like him. But, I also can't deny that I like Zak. I need help. A miracle or a sign or something.

I get a text from Zak a little later.

Zak: hey, cutie. Can I come over? It's important.
Me: sure. Come over whenever :)
Zak: k. See you in 30 minutes

Shit! Now I have to get out of sweats. I don't know why I feel like I have to impress him. With Chandler I'm comfortable in whatever. Oh god, I need to stop comparing them. I rush to my closet and pull out the cutest thing I can find. I hurry and get dressed, then rush through my makeup and hair. Brush my teeth, check myself out a bunch of times, etc. And I'm ready just in time to hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, Zak!" I answer the door happily and he hugs me to reply. Oh no, butterflies... He smells good... And looks good... and now he's smiling that smile. Ugh I wish this was easier.

"So I have to tell you something important. Bad news," Zak says as we sit down on my couch.
"Um, okay? What is it?" I ask nervously. I have no clue where this is going.
"I'm moving to Ohio tomorrow," he answers sadly and I'm speechless. Tomorrow?
"Why?" I manage to ask once I found my voice.
"My dad got a job offer over there. I wish I could stay, but there's nothing I can do," he replies and I hug him again. I'll be sad when he's gone. But... I did get one thing out of this. Now I know who I will choose.

Zak and I hang out all day, but he has to leave at 6. I know it's stupid, but I can't help tearing up a bit. This could be the last time I see him, and I really do like him.
"Goodbye, Ally. I'll miss you," he whispers into my hair as he hugs me for the last time.
"I'll miss you too. Bye, Zak. Maybe I'll come see you sometime," I reply sadly and he nods, pulling apart a little bit, but still holding my waist. We stare at each other for a minute, unsure what to say, and trying to cherish this moment. He leans forward a bit and looks from my eyes to my lips. I close the remaining space, kissing him for the first and last time. And that's all it was. A final goodbye kiss, the end to our relationship. He doesn't say anything else, just smiles at me sadly and drives away.

I'm okay. I have Chandler, and Zak and I just weren't meant to be. As soon as I get in the house, I call Chandler.surprisingly, he doesn't pick up. He must be playing videogames, that's the only time he doesn't reply or answer.
"Hey, Chandler, it's me. I've made my decision. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I leave a voicemail and hang up. I'm ready for this, and I feel good about it. I just wish it was tomorrow already!

A chandler riggs love storyWhere stories live. Discover now