Chapter 28

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I arrive on set very excited, and very nervous. Today I don't have any lines, just a bunch of dirty looks directed at carl and that's about it. Chandler has one important scene where Carl is asking Daryl about me. Then we're free to talk as much as we want.

I go through the usual routine and then walk with Lauren to our "camp." It's pretty boring today. All I do is stand around looking either expressionless or murderous, there is no in-between. I like being Harley. She's super badass. I wish she had more lines, and I hope she's more than just "carl's love interest" and actually gets to be a strong character.

I don't have any time to talk to Chandler until a couple hours later when we're both done for the day. He meets me outside my trailer after i finish getting clean and dressed.
"Hey, Chandy," I greet him awkwardly and he nods, clearly waiting for my answer. I start walking to the parking lot to wait for Scar (who is going to be late because I finished an hour early), and he follows behind me.

"So...?" He asks when I don't say anything. I stay quiet. I'm not quite sure how to say this. I think he caught on by my expression and sighed. "Here, I'll take you home," he offers and I smile apologetically.

Down the street from my house, he stops his motorcycle and gets off, facing me. We're just at some random park. I get off too and give him a confused look.
"Ally, you're killing me," he says frustratedly. "First I get a voicemail from you saying you made your decision, then you don't even tell me? Please, if you chose him just end it now. You did, didn't you? I knew it. Did you? Ugh I'm dying here. Will you stop just staring at me? What?" He blabbers on and I giggle a little. He's cute when he's nervous.
"Come on. Say someth-" I cut him off by kissing him, burying my hands in his hair and pulling him closer. At first he is just surprised, then I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he deepens the kiss. I felt fireworks and something I've never felt before. It was the closest thing to perfect I've ever felt, and I wouldn't want this moment with anyone else but him. I wish it would last forever, but, sadly, we had to breath sometime.

I pull apart, smiling like an idiot. "Who do you think I chose?" I ask jokingly and he grins, blushing crazily. He's so adorable like this, and now he is mine. No more resisting the urge to kiss him, no more lying about my feelings, no more crying over him. I deserve happiness, and with chandler, that's seems possible. He leans in again, kissing me again, this time just short and sweet. Then he says something that catches me off guard.

"I love you."

What? He said it so quiet I could barely hear it, but he definitely said it. He looks into my eyes worriedly, and I'm breathless for a second, then I smile. "I love you too, Chandy," I reply happily, and I know that it's not a lie. I deeply, madly in love with Chandler Riggs. And the best part? He loves me back.

••••••••••••• A/N: they're FINALLY together. Happy? I am :) •••••••••••

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