Chapter 18

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I wake up in his arms. The smell of him surrounds me and I smile sleepily as I look up at his peaceful expression. He is snoring lightly, and his hair is a complete mess, but only he could look this perfect in the morning. He stayed with me all night. Maybe things will be okay with him here with me.

I sit up carefully as to not wake him and get off the bed. I gather up some skinny jeans and a T-shirt,and I change in the bathroom across the hall. I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and do a quick check to make sure I'm not too hideous before returning back to my room to see Chandler starting to wake up.

"Hey, sleepyhead," I say to him cheerily and he looks up for a couple seconds before burying his head in the pillows and groaning. "It's way too early to be conscious," he says with his voice muffled. I laugh and I sit on the bed next to him. "Chandler, it's past noon," I reply and he turns to me. grabbing my waist, he pulls me so I'm laying on the bed next to him. "Yeah, that's really early. Let's go back to sleep," he whines jokingly and I shake my head.

"No, we have to get up. I'll make you breakfast. Get up, I'll be in the kitchen," I reply and he lets go. "Fine. I'll be down to help you in a minute," he says, and I leave the room. Damn, he's so cute. And his morning voice, very sexy.

I wish that I could say that I am a good cook, but I would be lying. Because I am lacking in that area, I decide to make coffee, bagels, and eggs. Those are simple. I get started and soon Chandler comes to the kitchen, looking tired but still pretty. He walks straight up to me and moves me out of the way. "I've got this," he says cheerily and I smile to myself. What a cutie. Oh god, I'm realizing how much I am falling for him, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

After breakfast, unfortunately, Chandler has to leave. "I will text you, okay?" He says as he gets onto his bike. "Of course. Be careful," I answer. He nods and squeezes my hand reassuringly. "I will," he replies. "If anything happens or if you feel the need to hurt yourself, call me," he adds worriedly, and I look into his eyes and see his concern. I wish he had never found out. I feel terrible that he has to worry about me and feel like he might be somehow responsible. I get that, I've been through it before. Watching someone you're close to go through this is terrible. I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk back to the house. He waits until I get inside to ride away, and I smile at the thought of his arms wrapped around me, I remember our first kiss and the way I felt about him. I feel that way now, surprisingly. I take comfort in knowing that he feels the same, but the feeling of happiness never seems to last with me. By nightfall I am laying in bed, staring at my ceiling, thinking those terrible thoughts. I don't fall asleep until early morning, and when I do, the nightmares come.


I find myself in a dark, empty hallway. the place seems abandoned. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I shout out into the darkness. I can barely see anything. "Is anyone here? Please! I don't know where I am!" I yell, and again I am greeted by silence. I feel my way around and finally touch the cold, smooth walls with my fingertips. Feeling my way down the hallway,i come across a table with a box of matches set neatly on the corner. relieved, I light the first match and take in my surroundings. It looks like a hospital. I spot a gurney ahead of me. I walk slowly towards it, trembling and sensing my breath shorten. Approaching the gurney I see a white sheet covering a body. Despite the fear shooting through my body, I reach towards the sheet slowly, the only sound I hear is the pounding of my own heart. I grab the sheet and quickly rip it off of the dead body. I scream as the realization hits. The lifeless body laying peacefully before me is my own.


I wake up with a start, crying and sweaty. My phone is ringing. I quickly wipe away my tears an compose myself before answering. "Hello?" I answer shakily. get it together, Alyssa. this might be an important call.
"Hey, hon! How are you doing?" It's Josie.
"I'm great. What's up?" I ask, controlling my voice.
"You're doing a photo shoot today. Then after an interview. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine," I reply. I get the time and hang up. She will be picking me up in 2 hours. I take my anxiety pill and start getting ready. Today is going to be a long day.

A chandler riggs love storyWhere stories live. Discover now