Chapter 23

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School :p

I forgot how much it sucks to go to school. I wake up at 6:30 and throw on my outfit I had picked out last night, adding a beanie at the last second. Makeup, hair, small breakfast and coffee, and I am ready to go at 7:30. Picking up my backpack, I wait at the door for another 15 minutes until Chandler finally gets here on his motorcycle. At least we will be arriving in style.

"Hey, Chandy," I greet him tiredly. "Good morning! Ready for school?" He asks happily and I shake my head while getting on the bike.
"Not at all."

We arrive at the school and I take a second to compose myself before walking with Chandler inside. Here we go. Stepping through the doors it's already pretty crowded, and I feel some eyes on me as I walk through. A bunch of girls walk up to Chandler, pushing me out of the way, and start talking immediately, but he excuses himself to come over to me again.
"Sorry about that. They can be kind of rude," he apologizes and I smile.
"That's your fan club?" I ask and he blushes. "what's your first class?" I continue before he can answer, and we compare schedules. We have 2 of our 4 A day classes together, 1st and 4th period. That's great, I was scared I would have to be alone the whole day.

Our first class is math, something I am really bad at. I'm fantastic at art and English, but when it comes to math and science I'm the worst. The class is completely boring, and the teacher made Chandler and I sit on opposite sides of the room, so I already don't like him. My next 2 classes, English and history, are also boring, and I mostly keep to myself unless I have to talk. I hate first days. I'm terrible at making friends. Thankfully, it's lunch time, so I get a break from awkward classes. Hopefully I will have the same lunch as Chandler or, if he goes here, Zak.

I enter the cafeteria and head for the vending machines. I'm not that hungry, and there is no way I'm eating the tacos they're serving for school lunch. Gross.
I get myself some chips and a soda, and when I turn around I hear someone calling my name. Waving his arms for me to see him, is Zak, a couple tables down surrounded by his friends. Hopefully I won't embarrass myself.

"Hey," I say, walking up to him, and they make room for me to sit next to him.
"Alyssa, these are my friends Connor, Matt, Anna, and Kaitlin," he introduces them and I smile.
"Hi, guys," I say and they say hello.
It's not as bad as I thought. Matt is kind of awkward, but they are all really funny, and I think they like me. I have next period, art, with Chandler, Anna and Zak then I can go home. Thank god.

Anna, Zak and I walk into the art room together, and Chandler waves us over when I see him. Zak gives Anna a look that I pretend I don't see as we walk over and sit next to him. I sit beside Chandler and they sit across from us. I introduce Anna and Chandler, and the teacher starts the class. It's really fun, and the whole time I pretend not to see the looks the boys are giving each other. Drawing has always been fun for me, and it's something I have always been pretty good at. I'm not amazing, but I'm definitely better than most in the class, especially Zak.
"How are you doing that? I can't draw for shit!" He says loud enough to get a glare from the teacher. I laugh and shrug.
"I'm just amazing I guess," I joke, flipping my hair and sighing, causing the three of them to burst out laughing. This clears the air a little, and it's much less awkward for the rest of the class.

"Chandy, do you want to come over after class so we can learn our lines?" I ask him when class is almost over, and Anna gives us a weird look.
"Are you guys in drama or something?"
We laugh and I tell her about TWD.
"Wait, you're that girl that Matt showed us a picture of! That's why he was acting so weird. He has a major crush on you," she replies and I look at Zak and we both burst out laughing. That makes things weird, but okay.

After school is over, Chandler and I go back to my place, and pick up our scripts. Time for work. We both take a few minutes of silence to skim through and get in Character before we start.

I was all alone, for a really long time, and I'm not a kid anymore. I've seen and done a lot of stuff, and I'm very closed off. I've learned not to trust anyone, even my father. Especially my father. I'm in a weird situation. I'm smart, so I know I have a better chance of surviving if I stay with these people, but I'm going to be very cautious. Play the victim, make them want me to stay. I've been looking for dad everywhere. rick and Daryl are talking about if they want to keep me. I'm stuck with some boy, and Michonne is watching from a little bit away.

"Okay. Are you ready?" I ask Chandler and he nods. Let's do this.

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