Chapter 14

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I wake up with a pounding in my head as I look around me. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the limo, so how did I get in my bed? I itch around my wrist, and slowly sit up. Looking in the mirror, I see that I look like I had just clawed my way up from hell. I run my fingers through my hair to untangle it, and wipe off the remainder of the makeup on my face. I replace it with a little eyeliner and I change from last night's dress into some skinny jeans and a plain black tshirt. Even though I don't plan on going anywhere today, I still have to at least look presentable, just in case anyone stops by. I check the clock to see that it reads: 1:00pm

I put on my bracelets, making sure my fresh scar is covered, and make my way to the kitchen. I find Scar waiting for me. She hands me a cup of coffee and I plop down into the seat next to her. It's quiet for a minute, until she finally speaks up. "Chandler told me what happened after he carried you inside," she states softly. "What did he say?" I ask weakly. So that's how I got to my room. "You punched Sam in the face and started cutting again," she states accusingly. I just nod and take a sip of coffee. "What did he do?" She asks, and I frown a bit. At least she waited for all the facts until she freaked out. "I caught him kissing some random bitch. I guess I was just overwhelmed, and hurt, from everything that happened that night. You know how good it feels to cut, I don't have to explain that part to you," I answer and I see her eyes flash with a warning. She doesn't like talking about her past. She used to be worse than me, until my mom caught her and sent her to therapy.

"Just because it feels good, doesn't mean you should do it. I can't believe you. One stupid guy hurts you and you throw away all your hard work. I'm disappointed in you," she says, her face clearly displaying disgust as she looks down on me. I slam my cup down and stand up quickly. "And you think I don't know that! Believe me, I'm disappointed in myself too, but that doesn't mean you can act all fucking high and mighty, like you're so much more damn better than me! Fuck you, and don't ever assume to know why I do things or what's best for me. Just leave me the hell alone, because you have no fucking room to talk," I shout, and I run to my room, leaving a stunned Scar behind me. I lock my door and immediately reach for my razor. What's the point in trying to stop anymore? It's time to stop caring.


Five long, boring, hours later, I hear the doorbell ring. Scar left somewhere, so I reluctantly get up and walk to the door. I open it to find Sam standing there, holding flowers and looking as cute as ever. He was wearing a white tank top and tan cargo shorts. "Ally, I'm sorry," he apologizes, and I fold my arms and lean against the doorway. When I don't reply, he sighs and offers the flowers to me. "At least let me come in and explain," he pleads, and I hesitate for a second before taking the flowers and allowing him to come in.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about last night. I shouldn't have done that when I was on date with you. And I should have clarified before we went out," he says, and I give him a cautious glare, warning him to choose his words carefully. "What do you mean?" I ask, and he runs his hands through his hair. "Alyssa, it's not like I'm your boyfriend. I don't want to be tied down. I still want to date you, but I want to date other people at the same time," he says casually, and now I'm pissed. "Are you fucking serious?" I ask, and he backs up a little. "Don't punch me again, because you have a surprisingly good arm. Where did you learn to hit like that?" He asks. "Get to your point!" I say loudly, and he give a little laugh. "I just saying, you're hot as hell, and I really like you, but I also like other people. You could date other people too, if you want," he explains.

"Get the fuck out of my house," I say, my voice dangerously calm. "God, you can be such a bitch sometimes," he mutters and he rushes out of the house before I can contact my fist with his face. Again. I slam the door, but only ten seconds later the doorbell rings again. I whip open the door, very pissed off and annoyed. "What do you want?" I say, before realizing who it is. "Chandler? What are you doing here?" I ask, very surprised, as an adorable Chandler blushes in front of me.


A/N: sorry for the really depressed stuff, I promise it will get better soon! :)

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