Chapter 39-last goodbye

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She's gone. It's been a week and I still can't believe it. She didn't want to die. I mean, at first she did, but she said on the phone. She made a mistake. That's what bothers me most. She didn't want to.

Zak comes up to me an shakes my hand. He's been crying, I can tell. His eyes are red and puffy, and I'm sure mine are too.
"Why would she do this," he chokes out. I shake my head slowly.
"Ally wrote to you. In her letter. They haven't shown you yet, they're waiting to contact everyone, but I found the note. She said...she said to not be afraid and stay alive. She also said to never give up. To be stronger than she was," were both crying again. This is difficult to say. I haven't talked much at all this past week. "And she said she missed you. And she loves you," I finish and the look on his face almost matches the one I had the day she...

"Thank you," he whispers and he walks straight to the bathrooms. I stare at her casket. She's right there. But it doesn't look like her at all. She's empty. I walk up to her and kiss her quickly one last time. Ally is really gone.

A few minutes later were taken into the next room. Tyler Joseph and josh dun are on stage. They actually came.
"I've only known Alyssa for a short time. But she was one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I've been asked to sing a couple of songs for her," he says sadly. He looks so small and sad. They perform taxi cab, before you start your day, and friend, please. After that Josh sits down next to me in the front while tyler takes his place at the piano. The last song he sings is truce. She would have loved this.
Stay alive
Stay alive for me.
I wish she would have just listened to him. Why did she just leave me here? I need her. Alyssa told me not to blame myself but...if I hadn't made that stupid call she might still be alive. If I had just stayed. Now she's gone. Of course I blame myself.

By the last few notes Tyler is softly crying. And so is most of the room including me. Josh rushes up to him and stands by him almost protectively.
"Thank you, everyone. I just want all of you to know that there is hope. And please stay alive. No matter how hard it gets. Just please," he pauses and wipes tears from his eyes. "Don't give up," he finishes and practically runs out of the room followed by josh. She impacted so many people, she didn't even realize. Maybe if she had know how many people cared about her, if she could see the amount of people in this room, maybe she would be alive.

"We're filming a tribute episode for her on Monday. Please come," Robert kirkman informs me and I nod.
"I'll be there," I reply and he nods and walks away.

At the cemetery I have to say some words about Ally. It comes my turn and I walk up to the front.

"I'm Chandler Riggs. I's boyfriend. She's the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. And the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm angry at her for leaving me here, and I'm angry at myself for letting this happen. But I know that she wouldn't want me to be angry or sad. She would want all of us to be happy. It might be difficult but I'll try to be brave for her.
Alyssa always tried to make everyone believe that she was okay and strong. She put on a tough exterior and built so many walls to keep anyone from getting close. But if you looked past that, she was so sweet, and caring. She was scared and insecure. The real Alyssa was so small and so beautiful. That's the girl I fell in love with. Now that she's gone...I don't know what to do. I want her to be in my arms, I want to play with her hair and kiss her. I want to hold her hand and look into her eyes. I want to hear her voice again, just one last time. I miss the way she talked and the way she carried herself. I just miss her so fucking much.
I will never forget her. Alyssa was the best person I've ever known, and if this is my last goodbye I just want to tell her that I love her. I hope that in her last moments she knew she was loved."

I place a rose in front of her headstone.
"Goodnight, Ally. I love you," I whisper, and smile softly. I wipe away my tears and stand up confidently. I'll live enough for the both of us. And I will never forget.

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