Chapter 12

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I stand up and check him out, making sure he's who I think he is. He's jogging up to us and he looks at me weirdly, not recognizing me immediately. Then his expression changes to happy. "Ally!" He says, giving me a big hug. When he lets me go, he looks me up and down and smiles. "You look great!" He comments happily. "You too," I say, realizing he is really cute. Emily stands up too, looking confused. "You two know eachother?" She asks"Yeah, she let Chandler and I stay at her house when our car broke down," he says and Emily nods in understanding. "What are you doing in Atlanta?" He asks me. "I live here now," I answer and he looks even happier. "That's great! Does Chandler know your here?" He asks and I frown a little. "Uh, yeah. I'm on the Walking Dead now, actually. But don't tell anyone," I say, and he smiles. He really is gorgeous. "That's great! Congrats. Do you mind if I get your number?" He asks confidently. We swap numbers and he leaves. I think I like Sam!


(The night of the premier)

Sam and I have talked so much these past two days. He texts me in the morning and calls me later in the day. Usually I hate talking on the phone, but with him it's different. He's really funny and nice, and I think he likes me too. I asked him to be my date for the premier tonight, and he seemed so excited. I bet he looks really cute in a tux. Scar is doing my hair in a French braid leading into a messy side bun. She puts a gold headband in it and hairsprays. "Am I done?" I ask excitedly. "Yep! Now go get changed. You only have an hour," she says, shooing me out of her room and I run to go put on my dress. I'm so excited!

After I have my dress and sandals on, I apply some eyeliner only on the top lid and pull it out into a wing. I put on some red lipstick and paint my nails black and gold. I powder my face so it isn't shiny and I'm done! Now I have to wait 15 minutes for the limo to pick me up. I grab my small purse and sit on the couch. I think I'm riding with Chandler an his date, so hopefully this won't be too awkward. The doorbell rings and I go to answer it. It's Sam. I told him to come early. And I was right, he looks gorgeous in his suit.

"Hey, Ally!" He says, giving me a big hug. "You look amazing," he comments, looking me up and down with an adorable smile on his face. I blush and Scar comes in before I can say anything. "Hey Sam! Nice to see you again," she says and goes to shake his hand. "Yeah, you too." Scar drops his hand and comes very close to me. "You're right, he is cute!" She whispers in my ear and walks back to her room, leaving me smiling at her approval. We hear a honk and Sam grabs my hand and leads me out to the limousine. I can tell tonight is going to be fun.

I get into the car after Sam, and I was right about us riding with Chandler and Ammacie. Chandler gives us a confused look. "Hey Chandler! What's up?" Sam asks happily, still holding my hand in his. "Um- nothing. So you two are together?" He asks in a tone I don't really recognize. "Obviously," he says back and let's go of my hand to put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, Alyssa!" Ammacie pipes in, and I give her a fake smile. She's wearing a short pink sparkly dress. Chandler is wearing a t-shirt under a suit coat and nice jeans. He looked cute, but Sam looks cuter.

For the rest of the ride, Ammacie fills the car with her loud rambling and laughter. Every now and then Sam will tickle my leg softly or whisper in my ear telling me I'm beautiful or making fun of something Ammacie said. I would smile, blush, or try not to laugh. It would have been perfect, except Chandler's eyes were glued on us the whole time, and if I didn't know better, I would think he's jealous.

Finally we arrive, and Chandler tells us what we are supposed to do. Chandler and Ammacie would go first and we are supposed to wait 15 seconds before going out ourselves. The driver opens the door sending camera flashes into my eyes, and Chandler gets out and helps Ammacie. Then we follow a little bit after. I hold Sam's arm and I smile for the cameras as he escorts me inside a big room. We find our seats- not very surprisingly- by Chandler. Someone goes up in front and does an introduction speech. Emily is in a row in front of me, and she turns to wave. It's weird to think I used to hate her. I hold Sam's hand and he smiles sweetly at me. I catch Chandler glaring at us and he quickly turns his head to look at the screen. He's acting really weird.

I turn to the screen as it starts playing and sort of zone out until close to the end when I know my part is coming up. I watch as I stumble in the woods, I wrestle the walker, and guns and crossbows are pointed at me. I'm doing good so far. "How do you know my name?" Norman says and I hand him a picture. "My name is Harley Anderson. My mom was Samantha Anderson," I pause and he looks confused. "Daryl- I'm your daughter," I say and then there's dramatic looks and it goes to the credits. Everyone claps and some people congratulate me on my acting. I'm glad I didn't do too bad. Now time for the after-party!

I'm dancing with Sam to some loud catchy song and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see Chandler standing there confidently. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks me over the music and I look to sam. He nods and I go with Chandler. When we are somewhere private and not quiet he turns to me. "Did you bring sam here to make me jealous?" He asks bluntly and I'm a little taken aback. "No, I took him here because I like him," I say slowly. Silence fills the air for a second. "Why are you jealous," I ask curiously and he blushes a little and looks at the ground. "Because I think I still like you," he admits.

A chandler riggs love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang