Chapter 16

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The song ends and I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hi, could I get a picture with you two?" a boy around our age asks and I smile. He is one of the first people to ask for a picture with me! "Of course! Chandler, come here," I say, pulling Chandler over from were he was standing a few feet away. He quickly takes the picture and grins.

"Thank you so much! Im a huge fan of you, Alyssa. Honestly, you're my biggest celebrity crush, and you are so much prettier in person!" He says quickly and blushes. I never thought I would be anyone's celebrity crush.

"Oh my god, really? Thank you so much. You're too sweet," I reply and I peck him on the cheek. "It was great meeting you, but I should get back to Chandler," I add and the boy nods excitedly.

"You have just made my life. thanks so much! Have fun," he says quickly before running off somewhere. I turn to Chandler happily and I see that he doesn't share my same enthusiasm. "What?"

"I don't know. You're kissing strangers already?" He replies. I know that he is trying to joke, but I can tell he is a little jealous. "Calm down. I bet you kiss fans all the time," I answer defensively and he shakes his head. "Nah, I don't do that anymore. It just feels kind of pressured and some fans are just weird." he answers, and I am personally offended!

"You have to remember, Chandy, I was a huge fan of yours. I was crazy obsessed," I laugh and he smiles. "oh yeah, I remember you got that photo op with me. Exactly how obsessed were you with me?" I worshipped you as my god. I'm not going to say that out loud. "I had posters of you covering my walls, I paid over $50 to say a couple words to you and take an awkward picture, I've watched all of your interviews, I was very obsessed. And you kissed me, why not them?"

He gets quiet for a second and thinks about it. "Would you have kissed me if you knew I was that big of a fan? Would you even have given me a second glance?" I ask, kind of mad that he might be one of the douchebags that treats their fans like crap. "Of course I would. You're amazing, being a fan or not and meeting you was the best thin that ever happened to me. I understand what it's like to be obsessed with someone because that's how I am with you. You're all I think about, Ally. I don't kiss my fans because they're not you."

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