Chapter 17

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I almost kissed him before I realized there is probably press here. "Come on. Let's go dance," I say, breaking the awkwardness. I pull him back into the next room, the loud music blaring as we pretend that he didn't say anything. thankfully, we are able to start having fun again. Then my song comes on. Fergalicious. "Oh my god! I live this song!" I yell to Chandler and he bursts out laughing but pulls me to him and we dance to it. Even if he is making fun of me through the whole song, it's still really fun. The night goes on and I'm having a lot of fun, until my sister calls me. I excuse myself and walk outside to answer.

"Come home now."
"Why? If this is about earlier, I'm sorry."
"Just come home. We need to talk."
She hung up. Why would she say 'we need to talk?' What does she mean? Is this serious? Did a relative die? Does she have a deadly disease? Do I have a deadly disease? Damn it. Never tell anyone with anxiety that we "need to talk."

I rush back inside and find Chandler. "I have to go, do you think someone could give me a ride home?" He nods and leads me back outside. "I live down the street. I can give you a ride," he answers and I have no choice but to accept.

After walking to his giant house I silence, he gives me a ride on his motorcycle. I wish I could enjoy this more, but I can't. I'm too worried about what Scar needs to talk to me about.

We arrive at my house and I hop off the bike, and I take a deep breath. "do you want me to come in with you?" He offers sweetly. Yeah, I need someone's hand to hold. I grab him and pull him to the door. I would feel bad for squeezing his hand so hard, but I need him right now. We walk inside to see my sister and my mom sitting together in our living room.

"What's going on?" I ask quickly. they give each other a look then my mom answers. "honey, sit down. you might not want him to be here." I shake my head and lead him to sit down on the couch with me. "No, he is staying. Tell me what's going on. what are you doing here, mom?" She sighs and avoids eye contact. "We think you need to quit the show," she says after a pause.

"You what? She can't leave the show!" Chandler says before I get the chance. "Yeah, mom! I can't leave! This is the best thing to ever happen to me and I won't let you take that away," I add and her expression hardens. "it's obvious that you can't handle the pressure. Scarlett told me what you did and what you said to her. I think you need to quit the show and go to a behavioral rehab. there is one close to my house and you would stay there until you are better. You would stay at my house on the weekends and holidays," she says.

"How long have you been planning this?" I ask, my voice surprisingly steady for how shaky I am. It gets quiet for a while until she finally replies. "I was planning this when you were first going through this stuff. I thought you got better until you started the show and started getting worse. I gave them a call this afternoon and they are getting your room ready. everything is already being finalized."

"What the hell? You set this up without even telling me? I'm not quitting the walking dead!"i yell at her. Chandler squeezes my hand. "yeah, please give her some time. There has to be another option," he pleads. "like what?" Scar asks rudely. "therapy. see if that helps, and if it does, you don't send her away," Chandler says quickly and my mom considers it. "Fine. I will be back in a month to talk to your therapist. If he says you're improving, I won't make you leave. I assume you guys will be able to hire a therapist. See you then, love you guys."

She hugs us and leaves. thank god, Chandler saved me. "Thanks so much, Chandy. I don't want to leave," I say shakily. now that she is gone I'm starting to break down. "I would never let you leave. I need you too much," he says, putting an arm around me comfortingly. Scarlett goes to her room without a word. Good. Everything is starting to hit me. How could they do that? I'm scared, I don't want to be locked up in rehab. I would be all alone, I would lose Chandler, my dream job, life would be over. I can't help it, I start to cry.

"Shhh, it's alright. Everything is okay now," Chandler whispers into my ear as he holds me and plays with my hair. slowly I start to calm down and he continues comforting me. "Ally, it's going to be fine. I'm here," he says softly and I wipe away my tears. I hate being emotional. "Will you stay with me tonight?" I whisper so quietly that at first I wasn't sure that he would hear me, but he nodded and kissed my forehead. "Of course."

I sit up and smile weakly at him. "thank you. I'll be right back, okay?" I walk into my room to get changed. I put on some sweats and remove what's left of my makeup. Then I quickly tidy up my room. I go back to Chandler and lead him to my room. I turn on my TV and flip through the channels until I see that Drake and Josh is on, and then climb into bed with Chandler. I lay my head on his chest and he starts playing with my hair again. It isn't long before I drift off to sleep.

A chandler riggs love storyWhere stories live. Discover now