Chapter 29

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I wake up the next day in a very good mood. Chandler Riggs. How did I even get here? It seems like yesterday that I was writing fanfiction, spending all of my time looking at pictures of him, running multiple twitter fan accounts- wait. I haven't been on twitter in forever! I should check that out.

*sigh* I'm not even verified. That's expected though. My notifications have blown up! Only on my personal though, on my 2 existing fan accounts no one knows who I am. My personal went from 206 followers to 2,148. That number can only go up the more I'm on the show. Not that many people know who I am.

After updating that account and tweeting a little, following some people back, etc, I check out my other ones. It's kinda funny. I can go undercover and see what people are saying about me. This could be very useful and fun if I never get caught. But, sadly, I have to go to work today. I can't waste my whole day pranking TWD fans. At least I get to see Chandy!

I walk up to the gates to see Chandler waiting for me. As soon as he sees me his face lights up and I can't help to blush a little. He looks so good, already dressed as Carl. How did I ever get someone so perfect to fall for me?

"Hello, my dear. I have a question for you," he asks me as soon as I'm close enough.
"And what would that be?" I ask curiously.
"Do we tell people about us?" He asks quietly, and I smile.
"I think we should. Let's just walk in there holding hands and let them figure it out. No secrets, okay?"
He nods and holds out his hand. I grasp it and squeeze lightly. We take a deep breath at the same time and then start walking to the set.

We're spotted right away by Steven and Norman. Steven nudges Lauren and she gasps. Oh, great they're coming over here.
"Oh my god! You are so cute together! When did this happen?" She gushes and I laugh a little. Why did I expect this exact reaction?
"Chandler can fill you in, I'm going to go get ready. See you later," I say quickly and Chandy glares at me jokingly for leaving him alone to deal with them. As I'm walking towards my trailer, I hear Norman and Steven say "I knew it!" really loud, and I can't help but to laugh a little.

After that day of shooting, I'm tired. I finally got a scene with the rest of the cast, instead of just chandler, andy, norman, and danai, when our small group reunited with the rest of them.

It was fun, even though a lot of the cast annoys me. Chandler walks me to my trailer after everything is all finished up. "do you want to go do something?" Chandler asks, still happy and energized. I glare at him a little as I feel my back begging to break. "How are you not exhausted?" I ask tiredly. He shrugs. "I've done this since I was 10. You get used to it," he promises and I nod slightly.

Chandler and I end up going over to his house to watch a movie, since I'm way too sore to do anything else. I cuddle up to him on the couch, half awake as we watch Inception. He lets me cuddle into his chest and he plays with my hair until I drift off to sleep in his arms.

A chandler riggs love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora