Chapter 35

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**the next day**

I have a killer headache. And mixed emotions. Post-concert depression has hit so hard and something chandler said last night has been running through my mind.
I didn't choose chandler only because Zak left did I?
I mean, I don't regret my decision. Chandlers perfect. And I'm happy with him. But...what if Zak had never moved? Would I have made the same choice? I told chandler that I chose him because I loved him, and I may have convinced him. But I don't think I convinced myself.

I wouldn't have made the same decision. I would have chose Zak. Because I knew that he is unpredictable and different. He wouldn't be there forever. But Chandler would. As soon as Zak and I were done, chandler would be there. Because he's always there. And as much as I like Zak, Chandler is who I want. I just feel bad about lying to him.

And I still like Zak, even though I really do like Chandler more. Chandlers smart, he's funny, he already has a career at 15, his hair is so fluffy, and he's adorable. But who wouldn't like Zak? Those beautiful bright green eyes, killer smile, amazing hair, and the personality that says "I don't give a fuck what you think, I'm awesome". And underneath all that, he's so sweet and caring. I know that there is do much more to him; I wish I could know him better.

But I think chandler would get possessive and jealous again if I talk to Zak a lot. What to do. Ugh I hate making decisions. I can't even order at a restaurant without freaking out! How am I supposed to handle this? Oh no...I have school today. And I'm about an hour late! Oh well. I'll just show up at lunch and go the last half of the day. Now I have to get ready.

After I get changed into a super cute outfit and curl my hair, I call chandler. He slept in as well and is picking me up in 15 minutes. Good. I throw my phone in my backpack and wait to be picked up.

We show up to school and go straight to the lunchroom. I find zak, surprisingly, and sit next to him.
"You're still here!" I say happily and he grins.
"Of course! I'm leaving after lunch. I came to say goodbye," he explains and I nod sadly. Lunch ends in 10 minutes. I'm gonna miss him again.

The bell rings and Zak hugs me tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much. Please text me," he says and I nod, holding in tears.
"I promise. Goodbye, Zak," I say sadly and I pull away. We make eye contact and he leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"Goodbye, ally." And then he's gone. Again. I turn to see chandler 5 steps away and looking like he's going to either cry or kill someone. He turns and walks away. Great. What a PERFECT FUCKING DAY.

I walk to class and try not to cry. When I get to the door I stop. I can't do it. Chandler is in there. Without a second thought I turn and go out back. I look at the couple kids standing back here. Just who I was looking for. Meg Evans. The biggest stoner ever. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder.
"Do you have anything?" I ask desperately. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I figure that with the way this day is going, why the hell not. She gives me a crooked smile and takes me to a park by the school I didn't even know existed.

"Bad day?" She asks and I nod. I'm not in the mood for small talk. She sits under the park and I sit next to her while she rolls a joint. I'm too upset to be nervous or to even think about what were doing. She lights it, takes a huff, and passes it to me. First time smoking weed. Ready go.

It's actually pretty amazing. I'm so calm. Why was I even upset in the first place? I'm having fun with Meg. She's great. I'm great. Everything's great...Until the vice principal shows up.

A chandler riggs love storyWhere stories live. Discover now