Chapter 31

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Opening the door, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that he has a rose for me, and he looks so good. He's wearing black semi-skinny jeans and a black button down shirt. Gorgeous. "You look beautiful, Ally."

I take the rose and smile. "Thank you. I'll set this in my room and then we can go," I say. I put the rose in my room and may or may not have had a major fangirl moment before returning to the door. We walk out to his moms Mercedes Benz. She must have let him borrow it. He opens the car door for me and I grin. What a gentleman.

"So... are you going to tell me what we are doing tonight?" I ask as soon as we start driving.

"I was thinking dinner then something special after," he replies. Vague, but at least it was something.

"Will you at least tell me where we're going for dinner?"

"La Caille. It's this fancy French place. I think you'll like it," he answers. I've heard about it! It's supposed to be super nice and fancy. And expensive. I kinda feel bad about him spending so much money on me.

When we arrive I gasp. It's beautiful. Flowers, peacocks, a beautiful pond. everything is perfect. The food is amazing and I don't think I've ever felt so fancy in my entire life. I can't believe chandler brought me here, and I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else. I love him so much. After dinner we walk the grounds. How does he always think of the most romantic places to go and things to do? If you wanted me to plan a date I would probably just come up with pizza and netflix.

"Ally, do you know how much I love you?"
That came out of nowhere.
"If it's anywhere near how much I love you, then I know it's a lot," I reply. He steps closer to me. We're now only about two inches apart. He stares intently into my eyes, a serious (and very sexy) look crossing his face.

"More than you could ever imagine," he whispers so softly that I can barely hear it. He wraps his arms around my waist and closes the space separating us. He kisses me softly at first, then it turns more passionate. it's so natural and sweet and hot and romantic. Ever kiss with him stops time and we're the only ones in our own world. He pulls away and we lean our foreheads on each other, smiling like idiots.

We finally get to our next destination. It's a...hotel? Chandler laughs a little at my confused expression.
"Come on. just try not to freak out too much," he says. What the hell..? We go up to a room and Chandler knocks on the door. He gives me a look and grins. What's going on?

Someone starts to open the door. "Hey, guys!" Oh. My. God.
Josh dun. Joshua dun. Spooky Jim. The drummer for twenty one pilots. I might faint.
"Yeah...are you okay? Come in. You look like you're gonna pass out," josh says to me and guides me into his room. He sits me down on a bed and hands me a water bottle.

"Hey! It's ally right?" Tyler. Tyler Joseph. The singer/rapper/ukulele/bass/piano player for twenty one pilots. Chandler brought me to my favorite band's hotel room.

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