Chapter 8

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I show up at the audition extremely nervous. Not because of the audition, but because I was scared Chandler might be here. Last I hear of him, he was dating some girl named Ammacie Williams. I hope he doesn't remember me. I walk up to the front desk with Josie and the secretary gets my name, age, and what part I'm auditioning for, then she tells me where to go. We go to a waiting room where a bunch of other girls around my age are waiting. A lot of them look the same to me. Aeropostale, Hollister, and other styles like that was what most of them were wearing. I see a lot of girls with makeup caked on their faces, like that makes them prettier. I'm wearing a black Hot Topic dress with skulls on it. I have fishnet tights and combat boots on, and my hair is currently black and straight. My makeup is how it normally is: winged eyeliner and mascara. I get glares as I walk in, but I ignore them. This audition isn't that important to me anyway, why would I care if some random girls are looking at me like they want to stomp on me?

Josie and I sit down and she is smiling widely. "Aren't you just so excited?" She asks me sweetly. If I could compare her with one person, it would probably be Effie Trinket, because she reminds me a lot of her. I just shrug and start scrolling through Tumblr. We wait for about a half hour until they finally call my name.

I stand up, take my portfolio from Josie, and walk confidently into the audition room. Thank god! Chandler isn't here. I smile and hand them my folder. They motion for me to sit in a chair in front of a camera. "State your name, age, height, weight, and the role you are auditioning for. I nod and turn to the camera. "Alyssa Johnson, 14 years old, 5 ft 2, 110 lbs, and I'm auditioning for the role of Harley Anderson," I finish and look to the audition managers for a script. They hand me one and tell me to start. I begin, and deliver my best acting for these people. The script they handed me was Harley talking about her parents. It didn't give much away, but the character seemed pretty alright.

They told me they would get back to me within 2 weeks, and if I didn't hear anything by then, I didn't get the role. I think I did a good job. Part of me didn't want to get the role. I didn't even like the show anymore, and the actors seemed like assholes. Plus the whole Chandler Riggs thing. I promised myself that if I got the part, I would keep everything strictly professional with the cast. No contact outside of work, and only talk to them if they talk to me first. I don't want any actor friends. Too much drama.


The longest two weeks of my life! I have two days left until the time is up, and I'm getting anxious. Even with my medication, it was still pretty bad. I jump every time the doorbell or the phone rings. I don't really leave the house, an Scar is almost as bad. She is nervous for me. If I get this role, I will have all of my acting dreams come true. If I don't, I'll have to get a stupid job at the movie theatre. Josie is coming over today, just to hang out for a while. Scar and her are pretty good friends.

I hear a knock on the door and I run to answer it. Josie is standing there grinning. "There's my favorite girl!" She gives me a big hug. "Where is Scar?" She asks after she lets me go and shuts the door behind her. "She's in-" I get cut off by her phone ringing. She holds up her finger, switching immediately from fun, nice Josie to professional Miss Hammilton. "Hello," she answers and then a second later he is giving me an excited look. "I'm putting you on speaker, okay? I'm here with Alyssa right now." She says, switching it to speaker. I go by Alyssa outside of my family and close friends now. "Like I was saying," the man on the line says. "I'm from the Walking Dead. You got the part, Alyssa!"

Yes!!! I got the part! I start working in one week, so they are emailing the script for me to memorize right now. I'm so excited! I got paid in advance and holy shit that was a ton of cash. Time to start memorizing!

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