Chapter 34

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Their last song ended and I'm in tears. My voice is hoarse from screaming and my feet hurt from jumping up and down. But none of that matters right now. Twenty one pilots saved my life, and now I'm finally here. It's overwhelming, and absolutely the best night of my life. I'll never forget how I feel. I'm in a room with thousands of people who get what I've gone through, and for the first time in a long time I truly realize that I'm not alone. Chandler slips his hand into mine and squeezes softly. Zak places his hand on my shoulder. I'm with the people I love, and I know that I'll make it through everything. I feel a strange sense of power, like I'm invincible. I'm high on the adrenaline and the emotions running through me. I've never been happier.

"Thank you for coming out tonight! Stay alive everybody! It's worth it, I promise!" Tyler yells after him and josh now to the crowd, thank you is shining on a big screen behind them.

"Come on, let's go backstage, sweetheart. You okay?" Chandler whispers in my ear, just noticing my tears. I nod and him, Zak, and I head backstage.

"Tyler! Josh!" I yell, running to them as soon as I spot them. I hug tyler and feel tears falling again. After I let go of tyler I hug josh just as tight. "Sorry for crying on you," I whisper to them after I pull away, wiping my eyes.

"Don't apologize. Are you okay?" Josh asks, leaning down so we were at eye level and putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly and searching my face. I nod shyly, suddenly  self conscious from being studied so carefully. "I-I'm okay. Thank you...for everything," I manage to say quietly. The emotion in my voice surprised me, and I think they both noticed it as well. Josh pulled me in for another hug and kissed the top of my head. Even though he was really sweaty, this hug is the most comforting thing ever and I feel safe in his arms. He held me until I stopped crying, then he pulled back and gave me a soft smile. Tyler leans in close to my ear. "Please stay alive. I know it's hard sometimes but it really is worth it. You're not alone, and someday you'll be very happy. Just believe that and you will get through this," he whispered so that only I would hear it. Then he gave me a quick hug and we all took a picture together.

"We have to go get changed and meet everyone now so make sure you dm me if you need anything. Even if you just need someone to talk to, josh and I are here for you. Talk to you later, Ally," tyler says, and they leave after saying a few things to Zak and Chandler. Wow.
Chandy comes up to me after they're gone.

"I can't believe that just happened," I whisper in shock. He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses me gently.

"Come on, let's head home babe. It's been a long day," he says and smiles sweetly. Zak clears his throat for a second and gets my attention.

"Can I talk to you for a second alone?" He asks me awkwardly. I nod and shoot chandler an apologetic look. Following Zak around the corner out of earshot.

"Can I ask what tyler said to you? I heard josh... But I've been struggling recently and I think maybe whatever he said might help," he says shyly. I've never seen this side of nervous and insecure. I told him exactly what he whispered to me, and he hugged me afterwards. We just held each other fighting back tears until we heard someone clearing their throat. We turn to see chandler standing there looking very annoyed and staring at Zak with a look that could kill. He turns around and walks away very quickly, leaving me to hurry after him.

He gets all the way to the truck before finally stopping and waiting for us to catch up.

"Chandler! What's wrong??" I ask, pulling him aside.
"You and Zak! Is the only reason you chose me because Zak left? I know he still likes you. He's been all over you all night," he practically yells at me. I take a shaky breath and try to stay calm. Chandler has never acted like this before.

"Chandy, there is nothing going on between us. We're just friends. I love you, Chandler. I chose you because I love you," I say, successfully pulling of sounding calm and reasonable. He searches my face and he visibly relaxes.

"I'm sorry. I'm just paranoid. I lost you to him once, and I don't want that to happen again," he says after a minute of thinking. I kiss his cheek and pull him to the truck, where Zak is already waiting for us. Time to go home.

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