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«Aiden» I'm saying breathlessly. «Are you sure about this?»

Aiden says nothing.

We are on our ship after another failed attempt at psychometry.

Cal can't do anything to help him.

As we returned to the base he turned abruptly and headed to the ship without explanation. It was only when he sat on the couch in the common area that he told us what he was thinking. He wanted to open his file.

The truth is, I wasn't surprised. I could tell that lately, he seemed worried. Like something was bothering him. And now I know why. He had decided he wanted to know the rest of the truth. If there was anything else in the files Crone had given us.

«I'm tired Keirah I'm I'm ready.» Aiden breaks the silence. He raises his head and looks at BD-1. «Can you project the file?»

The tiny android assures him with a nod and some hasty sounds, and then a beam of light appears in front of us, and BD runs through the device's files. A few seconds later a folder appears and flashes. The file that Crone had spoken to us about "IA66"

A footnote appears under the folder named: "Imperial Academy Archive 66".

«Do you want us to go?» I ask.

He nods with a blank expression. «No. Don't leave me alone.»

Cal and I nod to each other and stay put.

«Look for anyone with the name Aiden.» Cal tells BD.

The android looks at the files rapidly and as thousands of files pass, it seems to pass the right thing and come back again.

Aiden gets up from his seat staring speechless at the file with his name on it. Two pictures appear in front of us. One depicts a teenager Aiden on the day he was ranked in the Academy and a fairly recent one. Maybe a few years ago. Before the defeat of the Empire.

And below the two images is written in large letters:


DATE OF BIRTH: Year 36,445[3] after the Tho Yor Arrival / Year 3,645[4] after the Treaty of Coruscant / Year 992[5] after the Ruusan Reformation/ Year 27:3–28:2[6] after the Great ReSynchronization / 22 Before Battle of Yavin

PLANET: Stewjon, Stewjon System.

Parents: Alec Kenobi, Lyra Shawn Kenobi

JOINED THE IA: 36,431[2] after the Tho Yor Arrival / Year 3,631[3] after the Treaty of Coruscant / Year 978[4] after the Ruusan Reformation / Year 13:3–14:2[5] after the Great ReSynchronization / 8 Before Battle of Yavin

Survivor of the Seige of Stewjon. Attach lead by General Gideon. Under the Command of Supreme Commander Lord Vader.

«It cannot be.» Aiden whispers, unable to believe what he just read.

He continues reading the file in silence as we do.

A part of a mission report appears next.

Seige of Stewjon System.

Mission Report by General Gideon.

"The Stewjon System has been fully occupied by the forces of the Imperial Fleet. The occupation of the planet Colstev has been crowned with great success as well as the occupation of the planet Stewjon. I have been in charge of the attack in the Fort Dornon area at the behest of Supreme Commander Lord Vader. The inhabitants were successfully exterminated and the few survivors have been informed that the attack on their village was carried out by rebels."

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