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Two days later, I find Ozdo at the place where we were training. When I arrive he looks at me with a strange look. Almost hostile.

«You're late.» he says curtly.

«No, I'm not.» I say. In fact, I arrived earlier.

«Let's just not waste my time, okay? I've got other things to do.» he says angrily.

I look at him confused. He is nothing like the Ozdo I've been used to lately.

«If you got something else to do then leave. I was not the one that asked to keep practicing.»

«Yeah perhaps I was wrong.»

«Are you kidding me?»

«I don't understand.»

«Can you just decide if you're gonna be nice to me or offensive?»

«I'm not the one that flirts with a Jedi!!!»

I look at him with my eyes wide opened. «Excuse me?»

«I saw him coming out of your room.»

«What were you doing there?»

«Does it matter? You do know that this is not getting anywhere, right? Jedi Knights are not allowed to form relationships.»

«We were just talking!!!» I respond, confused by the turn of the conversation.

«I'm sure that's what you did!!!» he insists, full of irony.

I take a deep breath, irritated by the insinuation and the tone of his voice. «Believe it or not, we were just talking. I'm sure that in that non-existing brain of yours you cannot possibly think that we were just talking because we worry about our friend who just found out that the Empire killed his entire family and turned him into a weapon that killed innocent people.»

Ozdo freezes and his jaw drops. «I I'm so sorry.»

«No. You're not sorry. This was a bad idea. I'm not training with you Ozdo!!!» I say and walk away.

Arriving at the gate I find many Mandalorians aligned in line to pass through. Cal approaches me. Looks like he's coming back from the docking bay.

«Short practice?»

I nod negatively. «The practice didn't even start.»


Ozdo's words are echoing in my head. «You do know that this is not getting anywhere, right? Jedi Knights are not allowed to form relationships.»

«It doesn't matter.» I respond. «What matters is what's going on here.»

«Looks like everyone's here. Or at least everyone who was going to show up. Ax asked me to move the ship, so others can dock too. I hope you don't mind moving the ship without telling you.»

«You moved the ship alone?» I ask him meaningfully.

Cal nods skeptically with a glum on his face. «He's not leaving the room. I brought him some breakfast before I left for the docks but»

«He didn't eat.»

«I don't know.»

I close my eyes trying to calm down. For the past two days, Aiden hasn't left their room. He refuses to come out and doesn't eat. And every hour that passes, I sense him drifting away more and more. When I tried to talk to him yesterday, he asked me to leave. But I can't let that happen anymore. If I leave him alone for another day, I'm afraid it'll be too late. «Let's go to him.»

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now