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The government asked all of us to testify to confirm Crones story. It only took me and Mando a few hours to testify. But AD is being locked inside a room for days.

No matter how many times I tried to see him the guards never let me in. And Crone couldn't do anything to help me, so I just waited.

And there was Mando, asking me every day when we're gonna leave. But I was not giving him any answer. To be exact, I was barely talking to him.

«How long are they gonna keep him in there?» I'm asking Crone while waiting outside of the interrogation room. I'm spending most of my days outside here, waiting for AD to be released. I usually have my eyes fixed outside, staring at the greenery of Jalya, the capital of Jalysta.

«I cannot be certain, Keirah. Your friend is a valuable source for the government. Maybe they won't let him go at all.»

«But that's not gonna happen, right?» I'm asking full of hope.

Crone stays quiet and her silence makes me nervous.

«Right?» I insist.

«This is the first time we have a Stormtrooper under custody. We don't know how to act.»

«It's simple. You take the information you want and you let him go!!!»

«It is not that simple, young lady. What if he's a spy? What if he goes back to his employees and tells them everything about our planet? If there's one thing that I've become certain of for the past months is that the remnants of the Empire are as dangerous as the Empire itself. And we're not done with them. You're waiting out here in vain, Keirah. If your friend gets released I'll send him to your room.»

I nod and walk away, heading to the room the government gave me.

As if he watched every movement on the hallways, Mando steps out of his room and I wish I had stayed outside the interrogation room.

«They still haven't let your friend out?» he asks.

«No.» I'm saying in hasty.

«Keirah we have to talk.»

«I'm a little tired right now.» Im saying while trying to sound tired.

«I know you don't wanna talk.»

«Then I don't see a point of continuing this conversation.»

«Keirah!!!» he says harshly.

«What do you want Mando?»

«I know you're angry for leaving you»

«That's why you think I'm angry with you? Because you left me with Andor and Enda? No. I'm not angry about that. I'm angry with you because you left me living in a lie. You had so many chances to tell me. And yet you didn't. Even though you knew that not knowing who I am was torturing me. I trusted you Mando and you didn't. And I don't think I can trust you again.»

I'm bursting into the room and close the door behind me, letting the tears roll down on my face. I'm nestling on the floor and bring my knees to my chest and just let the tears roll down. It wasn't right to talk to him this way but the words came out of my mouth unwillingly and I know what I said hurt him.

I have no idea for how many hours I've been in my room but the sun has already set when someone knocks on my door. As I'm approaching the door I wish it's not Mando. I wanted to apologize for the way I talked to him but I never found the courage to do so.

As I open the door I found AD standing on the doorstep looking exhausted. His eyes are swollen and his voice comes out sharper as he talks.

«Commander Crone told me I'll find you here.»

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