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We've been in a room for quite some time waiting for what's going to happen. I was so angry about our recklessness in the Archives that now and then I looked at AD, who was quietly sitting in his seat.

«What?» he asks me, seeing my angry gaze

«Seriously?» I'm answering angrily. «We're under the custody of the New Republic and you're looking cool.»

AD shrugs his shoulders smoothly. «Ugh, we'll tell them the truth.»

«Aw, so now we're telling the truth!!! After we broke into the Archives and lied to the guards when we could have spare this trouble. I'm surprised I followed you into this. »

«I'm sorry, alright? Is that what you wanna hear?»

«No. Of course not. I want you to think, AD. You're my co-captain. You're not a Stormtrooper anymore, you gotta use your mind»

«Hey!!!» he protests.

«Just a few months ago, we got out of a lot of trouble. We cannot run into more trouble.»

«And yet you did!!!» a woman's voice was heard entering the room. It is a middle-aged tall woman with short fire-blonde hair. She wears a long white dress with silver chains and looks at us through her pale turquoise eyes. «I must inform you that you were lucky to be in Coruscant today. Otherwise, I couldn't guarantee you'd get that kind of treatment. My name is Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the New Republic!!!»

AD and I remain silent, waiting to hear everything the Chancellor has to say. «I was informed you're coming from the Unknown Regions, is that correct?»

None of us talks.

«This is not an interrogation.»

«Then why are we tied up?» I'm asking in a calm tone.

Mon Mothma gives me a strict stare. «Because you broke into a section in the Archives that it is forbidden to citizens. What did you expect, young lady? That you would be our guest? Now tell me who you are and what were you looking in the Archives?»

None of us answers, but I know it's time to talk. To tell the truth. Even if we're gonna have a bad time.

I take a deep breath, with AD's eyes fixed on me. «My name is Keirah. This is AD, my co-captain.»

«And what were you doing at the Operation Center?» Mothma asks persistently.

I turn my gaze to AD, who nods positively at me.

«My co-captain was a Stormtrooper. We're looking for information about his past.»

«His past?» Mothma asks confused.

«Who we were before the Academy.» I explain.

Mon Mothma seems not to understand what I'm talking about. «You don't remember who you are?» she asks AD.

He nods negatively. «I have no memory for the time before the Academy. They must have done something to us during our training.»

Mon Mothma looks at AD. I can clearly see the pity in her face. Silence spreads in the room as she thinks.

«There is nothing I can do to help you right away. I cannot make that decision on my own. To give you access to the Imperial Archives, I have to get the Senate's permission.» she finally says.

AD and I are re-emancing, but Mothma's tone isn't promising. «But I'm afraid your matter will take a while to be debated in the Senate. It might take months if not years.»

«Years?» I'm asking unable to believe what I heard.

«There are more urgent issues that need to be discussed. If you have the patience to wait.» Mothma answers calmly.

I'm looking at AD, who's lowers his head frustrated.

«I will leave you to think.» Mothma responds and turns to walk away.

«It doesn't matter.» AD says out of the blue. «There's no reason for the Senate to deal with such an unimportant issue.» the bitterness in his voice breaks my heart.

«AD...» I'm trying to protest.

«We'll find another way, Keirah. And if we don't, then I'm not meant to know who I am. I'm not going to sit here forever waiting for something that might not happen. I know you want to help me, and that's why I'm grateful. But I'm not going to stand idly by in one place forever. There's nothing here to help us.»

I stay silent looking at him. Deep down, I know he's right.

«Is this your decision?» Mothma asks.

I'm turning and look at her disappointed. «We'll find another way.»

«Alright, then.» Mothma says. «The authorities will escort you off-planet. I hope you'll find the answers you're looking for. May the Force be with You..»

I open my eyes wide to the sound of that phrase. I'd heard it from Crone before, but I didn't think anyone outside Jalysta would know it.

A New Republic ship leads us off the planet, and as we prepare to jump into hyperspace, I turn around and look at AD.

«We could have stayed, you know.» I'm saying.

Maybe he thought I didn't want to stay at Coruscant waiting for the Senate's decision.

«You heard the Chancellor. It could take years until our issue is debated in the Senate . And even if it doesn't take years, they might not even allow us to see the files. There are other ways to find the truth, Keirah. Waiting forever at Coruscant, I'm sure it's not the only option we'll have. There must be another way.»

«And what if there's no other way?»

AD shrugs his shoulders. «Then we're going back to Coruscant. You told me you wanted to see what's out there. I want the same thing. I've spent half my life at the Academy, I've never seen anything but war, destruction, and death. I don't want us to be trapped on a planet.»

I nod positively to him without saying anything else. There's nothing to say, especially since I have the same desire as him. «How about opening Crone's device?»

He stays quiet for a little while and then looks at me. «Why not?»


Soundtrack:  John Williams - Departing Coruscant (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones OST)

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