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I'm opening my eyes fast. My vision doesn't take a long to adjust to the lighting as I'm in a dark cell with deemed lighting.

I'm trying to move but I soon discover that I'm being tightened on a steel chair. My hands and legs are tightened and I cannot do anything to free myself.

The cell's door opens and the Imperial guy who was in charge of the squad walks in.

His ignorant smile make my blood freezing inside my vains. And I know for sure what's his name. Mando told me everything about him. He's Moff Gideon.

«So nice for you to be awake.» he says fakingly politely. His voice is cold and the words feel like razors as they're coming out of his mouth.

I'm staying silent without answering.

«Don't be afraid. You can talk freely. Feeling comfortable?»

«Not really.»

«So she talks!!! Well we didn't made those chairs for comfort.»

I'm staying quiet as Moff Gideon walks around the cell, staring down at me.

«I suppose you're wondering what I've done to your friends.»

If his intention is to make me speak willingly it's not gonna work.

«Your captain is being held on a cell and will be executed soon. The Child... well the Child will soon fulfill its purpose. And then there's you. The truth is I don't know what to do with you young lady.»

«You must have a very hard time.» I'm saying bitterly.

«Well, I am having a hard time with what to do with you. Should I float you to space? Should I behead you? Or maybe torture you till death?»

«They all sound lovely.» I'm responding full of irony.

«Well... there are a few questions I'd like to be answered. You can help me with the easy way or with the hard way. Either way you'll break. And I win.»

«Do your best Gideon.»

«So you know who I am!!! I hope you do know that no prisoner of mine ever escaped. And also that I show no mercy during my interrogations. Good luck with the interrogation. You'll need it.»

When I'm waking up again I feel my head heavy.

The only thing I want is to close my eyes again. But I can hear my screams as the interrogation droid tortured me. And the only thing then was... pain. Unbearable pain.

And the pain was accompanied by questions.

What's my name?

Where am I coming from?

Where is the device with the informations?

And the more I wasn't responding the stronger that pain was getting. Until I was passing out. So I can woke up in order to be interrogated again and again and again.

Only this time the interrogation droid is not moving.

I'm turning my head around to find Moff Gideon standing above me with his ironic look all over his face.

«Interesting.» he says concussively. «You have resisted to every interrogation level.»

I want to answer but I feel exhausted.

Gideon approaches me and to my surprise he's releasing me and orders a Deathtrooper to carry me.

As I'm being carried I can see that we're still on the station.

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now