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When I first saw Jalya, the capital of Jalysta, I had the impression that it was the most chaotic city I would see in my life. Until I got to Coruscant. I look elated at the countless lanes of traffic that stretch beneath us.

After contacting the authorities we are led to Docking Bay 74 where we leave our ship.

AD leads me to Senate Square, where towering statues stand airy above our heads.

«The Imperial Archives are over there, at the Imperial Palace. Although I don't think that's what it's called anymore.» says AD with doubt by showing me a huge building whose shadow covers much of the city to the east.

«That's where we're going.» he says while me pointing to me a wing in the western part of the building.

As we walk up the stairs to the entrance, two guards look at us strangely. Arriving in front of them we stop before they tell us to stop.

«State your purpose.» one guard asks urgently.

«We want to study the files at the Ancient History Research Wing.» AD replies naturally.

The guards look at each other and nod positively at each other. «You may enter.»

The heavy wooden door opens and as we pass through I notice that there was something engraved on the wood. Whatever it was, it's been beaten. But above the door, there are engraved letters. "KNOWLEDGE, ORDER, POWER".

The place is almost empty. Very few people walk through the corridors.

I'm following AD with no idea where to go.

«Aren't we supposed to look for the Academies archives?» I whisper to him.

«That's where we're going.»

«And why didn't told the guards the truth?»

«Because they wouldn't let us in if we did.»

The place looks chaotic in my eyes. With its towering ceiling and endless hallways. I wonder how the hell AD remembers the right way.

A few minutes later we pass under an arch and shortly after another.

The place is barely guarded and a faint enthusiastic smile appears on his face. «If this place is so badly guarded as it seems, then it'll be a piece of cake to get into the Operations Center.»

«Why do I have a feeling you're gonna get us in trouble?»

«There's nothing to worry about..»

«Pardon me but I think I should better trust my hunch.»

We walk for quite a while when we finally get out of a room. Its door is closed, but no one stands guard.

«Here it is.» AD whispers while looking around him.

«There's no guard.» I'm saying while taking a look behind me.

«Keep watch.»

I knot my eyebrows confused but also a little bit offended. «Do I look like a lookout to you?»

«Oh, come one. Keep watch for two minutes until I get this door open.»

I take a deep breath, staring at him, and turn around. «Hurry up.»

I hear him curiously looking at the lock and when he tries to open it, he gasps surprised. «It's open.»

I turn around and look at him surprised. «I still have a bad feeling about this.»

«I'm sorry but your bad feeling was wrong.»

As we pass through, I see a dark, huge circular space. The floor is paved with a red carpet and our steps resonate dangerously loudly. AD gently closes the door behind us and we scatter in the room.

«Look for a wing about Imperial Academies..» AD whispers.

Knowing we don't have much time at our disposal, I'm looking as fast as I can. When I finally find the wing, I nod to him.

«Alright,» he says skeptically while looking at the chaotic corridor that's stretching out in front of us. «Start from the end of the hall and I'll start from here.»

«And what exactly are we looking for?»

«Something related to Stormtroopers.»

I stare at him for a few seconds without saying anything. «Wow, you were very specific.» I'm saying with irony and walk away.

As I reach the end of the hall, I begin to read the files carefully.

Imperial Academies Infrastructure. Staff of Imperial Academies. Imperial Academies Equipment. Auxiliary Staff of Imperial Academies. Enlisted Archives!!!

The Enlisted Archives must have been at least two hundred, and I nod to AD to come towards me.

«Look for files up to 20 years ago. No further.» he says.

There's a console a few feet behind me and I'm running there opening the first file AD gives me.

There are dozens of records of the Stormtroopers who were enlisted in the Academy. AD had given me a device that covered the names of civilians who started their last names from A and went all the way to J. When I finally get to the last one, I take the device off and give it back to AD. «It's not here.»

He goes and leaves the file back in place and then returns with another one that covers the letters from K to P.

«It's gotta be here.» he says impatiently.

«How are you so sure?»

«I can feel it.»

I'm starting to run the files fast. But the blood freezes in my veins as I hear the door in the background open.

«Oh, no.» AD whispers terrified.

I speed up. «Come on!!!» I say as the last names go from KA to KE. But it's too late. The guards find us and aim at us with their blasters.

«Put your hands in the air.» one of them says urgently.

«I told you I had a bad feeling about this.» I whisper to AD as I get out of my seat with my hands up.


Soundtrack: Ludwig Goransson - Bright Eyes

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