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«Where did you get this?» the man asks with his eyes fixed on the Darksaber. He looked at it like he'd seen a ghost.

«It's none of your business.» I answer curtly.

He's taking a couple of steps towards me, and I'm lifting the Darksaber with both hands in the height of his chest. Now it feels heavier than ever in my hands. Like the saber itself doesn't want to hurt him. «Don't come any closer.» I warn him.

He then stops and closes his Lightsaber. «I want to help you.»

«And I'm supposed to trust you?»

«If you wanna live? Yes!!!»

I don't know why, but I find myself lowering the Darksaber and shutting it down.

In the back of my mind I hear a faint voice saying angrily «You'll never stop trusting people easily, will you?»

«We have to get out of here.» he says in hasty.

«I can't. I have to find my friend.»

«Your friend was taken by the bounty hunters.»


«Relax, I'm sure they won't hurt him. You're the one they want after all and they caught him to use him as bate.»

I'm looking at him confused. «What are you talking about? Why would they hunt me?»

He leans over the hunter's body and pulls out a small device that makes a faint noise. He's approaching me, and the device's buzzing faster and faster. «This is a tracking beacon. There's a bounty for you!!!»

I open my eyes widely, unable to believe in my ears. «A bounty for me? There must be a mistake.»

The young man shakes his head negatively. «I don't know the reason why but I do know the price is extremely high. Whoever hunts you wants you dead as fast a possible.» he answers and then breaks the device which now stops buzzing.

«How do you know about the price of the bounty?» I'm asking suspiciously.

«I was on the cantina of the market when I heard some hunters talking about their beacons alarming like crazy and they said they knew where you were. They agreed to share the price and hunt you down together.»

«And why are you helping me? How did you know I wasn't a bad guy?»

«Because I heard you were looking for Cole Anderssan. I know him. As for your friend, I know where they're keeping him. Follow me.»

«Alright.» I'm saying impatiently.

I wonder if he knows that Anderssan and his wife are dead. We walk silently through the forest heading north of the woods which in the darkness seems endless.

When we finally reach the end of the forest a hut appears. There are lights and from the windows I see figures moving back and forth.

«So?» I ask impatiently. «What do we do?»

The young man next to me stays skeptical by knotting his eyebrows. «The cabin is not being guarded. We can easily approach it.»

«We can lure them out one by one.» I say thinking that's what Mando would do.

The man turns and looks at me surprised. «Good thought. We have to be quick and make no noise. We'll go that way.» says, pointing me a side of the hut that didn't have a window. «Follow me.»

I follow him in the hope that this time I've done the right thing trusting someone. In the back of my head, I can still hear Mando's voice whispering to me angrily «You'll never stop trusting people easily, will you?», but I ignore it. Thus far I wasn't proven wrong.

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now