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According to the information on the list, Sriluur was inhabited by Jana Morne. A Rebel pilot who had a son.

Arriving on the planet with sadness, I see that this is a deserted planet. Which means only one thing. Jawas!!!!

«Somebody has to stay behind.» I say looking at the dunes spread out in front of us.

«As soon as the Jawas realize there's an unguarded ship they'll rip it apart.» Cal responds.

Seeing that no one else is willing to stay, I take a deep breath. I like being in action, but this time I think I'm going to back off. Maybe a little time between them will help them to get together or at least trust each other.

«I'll stay. Take the Landspeeders and go west. Morn is half an hour away.»

BD looks at Cal and tells him he wants to stay on the ship because he doesn't like the sand.

«Alright, buddy.» Cal says caressing BD's head.

AD approaches me and I give him a remote communication device. «Keep the communication open. In case anything happens contact me.»

«You too.» AD says with a serious tone in his voice.

I'm standing at the top of the ramp with BD next to me watching the two Landspeeders get lost on the horizon.

«Let's go to the cockpit buddy.» I'm saying to the droid that follows me willingly while making a cheerful sound.


We were crossing the dunes like lightning. Several times I caught myself wanting to pass Cal, and I felt so stupid about it.

Keirah was right. I shouldn't have treated him like this, especially when I'd been through the same thing with Mando who hadn't trusted me for a second. Even that day at the station. When Keirah and I split up and went and freed him from his cell, he didn't trust me. He actually tried to kill me because he thought I killed his daughter.

«Well!!!» Cal says while looking at the coordinates in the device Keirah gave us. «I think we're lost.»

«No way. The coordinates are correct.» I insist.

«Maybe they're false.» Cal answers back, closing the device.

«And what are you suggesting? Going back?» I'm responding with irony.

«Of course not!!!» he responds and turns his head towards the vast desert. A warm gust of air caresses our faces. «Wait here.» he adds and walks a few steps Then he kneels and with his free hand gently touches the rough sand. I feel the silence that spreads around us getting louder as Cal remains crouched over the sand. Then he raises his gaze and stands up again. «We have to go this way.» says pointing at the east.

«But that's the exact opposite!!!» I object.

Cal returns to his Landspeeder and climbs up. «The coordinates are wrong AD. You can follow me or them. Your choice.»

I don't have time to answer him. I stay for a few seconds skeptical watching him riding away. What the hell? I'll follow him. He could go find a bounty hunter and lead him straight to Keirah. I'm pushing my Landspeeder to catch up with him, and when I do, I pass him and leave him behind.


My eyes fall on mom's necklace again.

This time I take it out of my neck and hold it in my hands with the chain slipping between my fingers.

BD perched on the arm of AD's seat looks full of curiosity through his sensors, making some sounds.

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant