Chapter 1 - No angel

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Author's note: Hey guys! Just wanted to say I think the chapters get better later on! These first few are crucial for backstory so please bare with it, thank you!

A buzzer sounds as the door to my cell opens. I sat up and swung my legs over the bed I'd been led on and look at the door.

"Up." said the prison guard at the door.

I stared at them, suspicions rising, "My hearing isn't until next week"

The prison guards huffs, "There's no hearing anymore missy. Your bail has been posted and charges wiped. Now move"

*small time skip - sorryyy, needed to move the story along!*

The car I'm in pulls up outside a large tower with an 'A' on the side. I know what it means, the Avengers, the thought making me roll your eyes. I was curious why someone like me was here. With a prison guard on each arm and hands still in handcuffs behind me, they lead me into the building. One of them shows paperwork to the receptionist who eyed me with a mixed look of concern and fear. I can't help myself but to give her a sadistic smile, if she was going to look at me like that it seemed only fair I messed with her slightly.

"Level 21" she says avoiding eye contact with me, "He's waiting for her there"

He? Who the hell is 'he'? I was marched into an elevator. "Well this is cosy" I said hoping it would get on these bozos' nerves. God these guards were boring. The elevator pings opens and the guards shove me out which drew the attention of a man who was previously engrossed in his computer.

He looked at me over the top of his glasses. "Well you're late, does good timing mean nothing anymore?", he says with an edge of sarcasm. Tony Stark. I rolled my eyes. "Not very friendly?" he continues, "Well I didn't expect a CareBear but you do know words? Yes? Hello? Thank you for getting me out my maximum security prison? No, none of those?"

My curiosity spiked at that comment, "You broke me out?"

"Technically I didn't break anything, I just paid their price. Call it an... investment. Now come on, much to discuss"

Tony walked out the lab and down a set of stairs, notioning me and your handlers to follow. He had walked into a lounge area ajoined to a large kitchen and dining area with another set of stairs on the opposite side of the room, if an area this big could even be classed as a single room. A long bar stretched along most of the far wall though I didn't expected any less from a Stark. As I walked down the stairs chatter between the people in the longue area died, they all eyed me, some with confusion, some with concern and others with curiosity.

Most of them were there. The Avengers: Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Sam, Vision, Clint. In the corner of the room, distanced from others but near to Steve was another man. He had a darker aura than the others, I recognised him from news stories and a mission, The Winter Soldier. We'd crossed paths once but I doubted he remembered me. I guessed he was Bucky Barnes now as I heard he got out the game a while ago so probably didn't go by his alias. Lucky him.

Steve stood up, "What is this Tony?"

Tony took a quick glance back at me and winked, "This Mr America is our newest recruit, meet Y/N"

"Recruit?" said Steve

"I didn't realise we were hiring" said Sam

I said nothing and tried not to stare at people. Recruit? What the hell did Tony Stark want with me? I'm not exactly a team player and I doubt anyone in this room would ever trust me enough to fight alongside them once they knew more about me.

Natasha stood and addressed me directly "Do you have powers?"

I considered a bitchy response but figured I'd be more likely to find out what Tony wanted with me quicker if I just answered.

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