Chapter 25 - Survival Instincts

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Bucky and I very reluctantly made our way back to the palace after the sun had fully set. I would've loved to have stayed out there in the peace and quiet forever but Bucky had received a predictably worried call from Steve about out whereabouts.

It was late when we finally got back and we went to the training floor to meet the team. Steve had said they were enjoying the advanced training technology and Bucky and I couldn't fight our curiosity. Once an assassin, always an assassin I guess.

We stopped briefly at our room to change into gym clothes before joining the others. Bucky went to meet Steve outside a simulation room as Nat and Wanda made their way over to me from a sparring mat.

"You guys were gone a long time. Steve checked his phone at least 30 times in the last half hour so I just dialed Bucky's number and shoved it next to his ear" Nat said with a small chuckle.

"What did you do all day?" Wanda asked clearly dying for details.

"We took T'Challa's advice and explored Wakanda. Ate amazing food, shopped a little bit, Bucky showed me where he stayed when he lived here and then we watched the sunset." I said slightly giddy from how happy I felt.

"That sounds incredible!" Wanda said.

"Look at this" I said holding up my phone to show them my phone. Bucky and I had taken a picture together as we watched the sunset and made it both our lockscreens.

"You both look so happy! I guess Bucky's still got his charm" Nat said with a grin. She turned around to look in Steve directions, "Hey Rogers! Take some notes from Barnes! He's still charming as hell" She yelled at him and Steve looked at a smug Bucky will a 'thanks a lot' expression.

I giggled, "Today was perfect Nat, sorry but Steve couldn't top it."

"Curse me for picking the wrong super soldier" Nat said jokingly and we made our way over to the boys.

Sam and Clint were currently in a training simulation and everyone was watching intently. So intently that no one else saw what I saw. Some members of the Dora Milaje were discussing something while watching our group. I tried to shrug it off as nothing, they were probably just commenting on Sam and Clint performance.

"Y/n?" I snapped out of my daze and Nat was looking at me like this wasn't the first time she'd called my name.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You coming it with me to show Barton and Wilson how it's done?" Nat replied, a grin forming on her face.

I stepped forward and picked up one of the spears to be used in the simulation. "Fighting something that's not actually there? *I let out a breathy laugh* Just my skillset" I said looking to Nat who programmed the simulation.

We stepped into a glass room meaning anyone else who was training could see us. We stood with our backs to each other and waited for it to begin. The lights faded and figures of purple light made their way towards us.

Nat and I simultaneously fought them off, using a combination of stabs or slashes with the spear and our hand to hand combat skills. After taking out the first 5 each, 6 more appeared encircling us.

"You thinking what I'm thinking Romanoff?" I said, adrenaline racing through my veins.

"Oh you know I am y/l/n" Nat replied.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I said and Nat took it as her cue to get to work.

Nat and I tackled the figures directly in front of us, fighting off the others with kicks if they got too close. We each took down our first targets.

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