Chapter 33 - Some Psycho Bitch

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TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE GO! Wrote too much for it to all be in one but make sure to read on! These chapters are some of my faves!


"STEVE!! WANDA!!" We all yelled for them as we ran out of the front doors and into the grounds of the compound. Vision flew up high to search for them.

"They're by the treeline! North East!" He called out from above before floating towards the location.

We all ran after Vision and found Wanda leaning over Steve trying to get him to respond. We slowed down as we got to them and took in the scene.

"Wanda are you hurt?" Vision asked her.

She was tearful, "I'm fine Vis. I used my magic to break my fall but I couldn't... *her voice broke* I couldn't catch Steve in time."

I knelt down next to Steve. He had blood down the left side of his head and across his left hip. I lifted up his shirt and saw a large graze on his hip but it wasn't too deep. His right arm was bent at an unnatural angle but Bruce could fix that. The most worrying thing was that his breathing was shallow.

By now I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I took Steve's left hand in mine and brushed some hair off of his face. "Steve.... Steve please.... I need you to wake up ok? Please... please wake up"

Tony finally came outside with a floating stretcher powered by his suit. He lifted Steve onto it and I kissed him softly before Tony flew him back into the compound.

Sam wrapped me in a hug as I broke down in tears and hyperventipated.

"I can't lose him Sam. I can't... I can't lose him" I stuttered out.

"I know, I know" he said softly as he stroked my hair.

"Ah!" Wanda yelped as Clint helped her stand.

"You're not ok Wanda" Vision stated.

I pulled away from Sam and turned to look at her. Her right ankle was facing completely the wrong way.

"It's fine" she said through gritted teeth.

"It's not fine. We need to get you to Bruce to re-set it." Sam said.

"No. Let Bruce focus on Steve" she said. Wanda summounded some of her power so it encircled her lower leg and foot. She quickly swiped her hand to the side and cried out in pain as she re-set her own ankle.

"Well that's one way to do" Clint said picking her up bridal style.

"Go Nat. You should be with Steve." Wanda said from Clint's arms.

I nodded and started running with Sam back to the compound.

When we reached the med bay, Bruce was working on Steve and Tony was doing all he could to help.

"Bruce what's happening?" I asked.

"He had a collapsed lung. That's why he wasn't breathing properly. I've reinflated it and Tony helped me set his wrist. We'll do some scans in a bit after I've cleaned his wounds." He rattled off as he continued working.

"Is he going to be ok?" Sam asked but Bruce didn't reply.

"Bruce, will he be ok?!" I asked tearfully.

Bruce stopped working and turned to look at me, "This was a nasty fall Nat. We can't rule out brain damage yet... so honestly? I don't know."

I collapsed into Sam's arms. Bruce didn't know if Steve would be ok. My life hadn't been a fairytale but nothing hurt like knowing after everything we went through to get here, the man I love might not make it.

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