Chapter 35 - Processing Pain

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A/n- Hey y'all, please don't hate me - gonna do a couple of time skips in the next few chapters! I just have a reallyyyyy cute romantic chapter planned but it's set at a very specific time of year so I want to move the timeline along slightly. Hope you enjoy!


I sat peacefully in Bucky's arms for a few minutes while the team bound the agents we'd come with in various restraints and called in SHIELD.

Tony had gone to get the jet and landed 20 metres or so from where Bucky and I were sat. Bruce walked out the back hatch with him and they jogged towards me. They both crouched down opposite Bucky and Tony got FRIDAY to scan my body.

"Nice to see you Bruce." I said lightly.

"Nice to have you back y/n" he said with a warm smile.

"You know in all the time I've known you, you've still never gone green for a mission" I said.

"I avoid code green as much as I can y/n. For my sake and every elses" he said almost humoursly.

"Fair enough" I said as I grimaced from the aching in my arm.

"You ok doll?" Bucky said looking down at me.

"She's exhausted boss. Stats are low, oxygen levels are 80 but they're getting lower. The arrow in her calf nicked a muscle but it'll heal. The arm however needs attention. Her humerous is shattered and some of the bone is piercing an atery. If it moves, she'll bleed out." FRIDAY concluded.

"I think FRIDAY answered for me babe" I said nervously in reply to Bucky.

"You're going to be fine y/n. I'm not losing you now I've got you back." Bucky said kissing my forehead.

"If only optimism could heal shattered bones." I said and Bucky chuckled.

Bruce and Tony had been discussing me in hushed tones and had just turned back to us.

"How you feeling freaky friday?" Tony asked sweetly.

"Pretty peachy all things considered." I said lightheartedly.

"You're a terrible liar sweetheart." Tony said with a chuckle.

"Harsh" I said pretending to be offended and he grinned at me.

"We're going to encase your arm in the arm of Tony's suit to keep it still and stem the bleeding while we get you to the compound. It's too risky to try surgery on the jet but we'll get you back as soon as we can." Bruce said.

"Whatever you say Doc." I said with a small smile.

Tony whistled for his suit and it flew out the back hatch of the jet, landing smoothly next to him. He pressed a section on the back and unhooked the right arm from his suit.

"FRIDAY, unravel suit piece 12." Tony commanded as he knelt back down next to me and half of the arm piece peeled away, opening up like an egg shell.

"Nice and slow now y/n" Bruce said as he placed one hand on my right shoulder and wrapped his other around my wrist. He straightened my arm at a snail's pace and I grimaced, turning my face into Bucky's chest and letting out a strangled screech of pain.

Tony and Bruce positioned one half of the arm piece under my now fully straightened arm. On Tony's command the metal pieces climbed around my arm and slotted into place. At the exact moment it closed my arm began to feel like it was burning.

I winced and started hyperventilating "Shit... Tony this doesn't feel good.. ahh it's burning." I groaned out.

"I'm sorry y/n, I know it's uncomfortable. It's compressing the wounds to try and stem the bleeding. It will get easier to bare, I promise" Tony explained.

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