Chapter 30 - Violet

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We landed back at the Avenger Tower around midday the next day. Nat, Clint and Tony took piloting in shifts so we could all get some sleep and be ready for Bruce's briefing when we got back. He was waiting for us in the main meeting room and looked nervous as his eyes fell upon me.

I took my seat slowly in between Bucky and Tony, "Why do I get the feeling this is bad news?" I asked him.

"It's only bad news if we can't stop it happening" Bruce said and it understandably did nothing to settle my nerves.

"Stop what Bruce?" Steve asked.

Bruce turned away from us and brought several documents up onto the screen with a wave of his hand. I gulped as I read the Russian and Bucky tensed in his seat as he read it too.

"We're not letting that happen y/n" Nat said looking at me determind from across the table.

"For those of us who don't read Russian or Assassin, what does it say Banner?" Tony asked.

"The Organisation y/n used to belong to had a lot of plans for her. That's where the alliance with Hydra stems from. They wanted a new Winter Soldier after Bucky escaped." He explained.

The team was very quiet as that name fell heavy on the room and Bucky was visibly uncomfortable.

"But Y/n isn't a super soldier." Clint said breaking the silence with a question he probably hoped would disprove Bruce's theory.

"I doubt that matters. She's more powerful than a super soldier, we've all seen it." Nat said adding logic to the situation.

"Bur there's no trigger words. Or are there?" Sam said glancing at me, grasping for an upside in this situation.

"Not that I know of" I replied quietly.

"That's just it. They changed their minds and instead of making her a super soldier, they intended to create another Wanda. A meta-human who they could control." Bruce said.

"Why didn't they?" Steve asked.

"Y/n's DNA was not compatible with the serum she was given. They assumed it mutated to form the rather unexpected result." Vision explained.

"So instead of mind control like me she can form illusions?" Wanda asked.

"That's a rather blanket term for it. Y/n's true power is that of manipulating the senses of others and from the files we found, it appears she was born with it." Vision said and my brain exploded.

"Wait what? If I was born like this then what the hell did that serum do to me? And why didn't I ever show signs of having powers until I was experimented on?" I rambled.

"I believe the serum heightened your abilities which is why you've progressed onto being able to use your power to exert physical changes such as pushing the team away from you when you were overwhelmed. It acted as a sort of kickstart for them. Your powers had been dormant and the trauma brought them to the surface." Bruce said.

"So what does it say they want with me now?" I asked.

Bruce paused and looked unsure of what to say. "Bruce?" I prompted.

"All it says is that to complete your tranformation, they need to activate Violet." He said.

"What's Violet?" Bucky asked, speaking for the first time since we'd sat down.

"We don't know." Bruce replied solemnly.

"What about the little passage you deciphered weeks ago about the asset being her guide, what does that mean?" Steve asked.

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