Chapter 26 - The Worst thing I've ever done

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A/N: From now on words that are spoken with emphasis will be in italics. Will change earlier chapter whem I edit after the book is complete.

Please do comment! I love reading them and including more of what you guys tell me you like!

ReaderWarning: Trauma/blood

I awoke the next morning to Bucky kissing my neck, making me lazily smile.

"Good morning James" I said.

"Good morning doll" he replied,"How did you sleep?"

"Amazingly. I have got to find out what this bed is made of" I said.

"So it has nothing to do with being in the arms of the love of your life?" Bucky said faking being offended. I turned over and softly kissed him.

"Well maybe that was part of it too" I giggled.

"As much as I wish we could stay here all day, Steve came by just now to let us know breakfast has been served in the living area down the hall." Bucky said and as if on cue my stomach grumbled making us both chuckle.

"I guess we should go join the others then" I said and I kissed Bucky again before rolling out of bed.

Bucky threw on black jeans and a black shirt that hugged his muscles in a way that was very distracting. I put on burgundy gym leggins and stole one of Bucky's grey shirts.

Bucky smirked at me, "You know it drives me crazy when you wear my clothes doll"

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p', "Your black shirt is distracting James. *I ran my eyes over him* I'm simply evening the playing field" I smirked and left the room. I heard Bucky chuckle but was still taken by surprise when he ran up behind me and lifted me up over his shoulder. I was giggling hysterically and slapping his ass.

"Put me downnn!" I squeled.

"Nope" Bucky said popping the 'p', mimicking how I had done the same just a second ago.

We were both laughing as we entered the living space on this floor, me still hoisted up on Bucky's shoulder.

"Now that is a sound that I adore" I heard Tony say as Bucky finally put me down. He span me around so he was hugging me over my shoulders, my back pressed against his chest. I lifted my hands to hold onto his arms and kept laughing as he kissed my cheek.

"What sound?" Sam asked Tony.

"That" Tony said looking at Bucky and I lovingly.

Steve kissed the side of Natasha's head and they looked just as in love as we were. I couldn't deny the happiness I felt right now and I loved that the team seemed happy too. It'd been a rough few weeks but they had become my family and I cared deeply for them all.

I untangled myself from Bucky and dragged him over to the round table everyone was sat at, both of us plonking down into chairs side by side.

The team laughed and joked over breakfast. Clint and Sam even fell off their chairs at one point because of the hysterics they were in.

The mood dropped like a led balloon when Shuri walked in.

"I am trying not to take the silence that just fell personally but you people make it very hard not to feel like the grim reaper." Shuri said.

Chuckles arose through the group and I stood, "Time to go?"

Shuri nodded. Bucky stood and took my hand in his, "You got this doll"

I smiled at him and held up the arm my bracelet was on, "I know."Bucky leant in and kissed my forehead.

I turned to the team, "I'm grateful that you all want to come down to support me. Whatever you see, I just want you to know... I'm a much better person than the one who Tony bailed out a few months ago. And that's because of all of you. So I guess I want to thank you and just say I hope you won't think differently about me because the person I am when I'm laughing with you all, that's who I want to be"

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