Chapter 29 - Free

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It had been over a week since a simulation was last successful. After taking a day to rest after the Winter Soldier one, I had been in 7 different simulations but none of them helped clear the final blockage. Not one of Rose and I fighting in my bedroom before I was poisoned, not one me fighting back against a punishment at the Organisation. Nothing worked.

The team had come down sporadically to watch and support me but only Bucky was there every time. He could read me like a book and knew how tired and frustrated I was so he did his best to help me.

"How's she doing Barnes?" Tony asked me as I walked into the main living space having left y/n to sleep for a bit.

"Honestly? Not great but she's too stubborn to stop. She's more worn out after each simulation and she's pretty pissed off that none of them are working." I replied sitting on the arm of the sofa next to Steve.

"Can't blame her" Clint said and a few other nodded in agreement.

"I wish there was some way for us to help her." Wanda said chewing her lip.

"There might be"

Shuri had entered the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I might have a way for you to help her but you aren't going to like it" She said and we all gathered closer to listen intently.

I don't know how long I'd slept for but it was still daylight when I woke up so it couldn't have been more than a few hours.

I called out for Bucky but I didn't get a response which was odd considering I knew he would be able to hear me if I yelled loud enough.

I turned over onto my side in a huff and that's when I noticed the note propped up against my lamp. Sitting up, I grabbed it and read it.

'Hey Doll,

Hope you slept well. Meet me by the lake where we watched the sunset. Don't dither, I've got a surprise for you.

Love James xx'

I smiled to myself and rushed to get changed.

I didn't know what Bucky's plan was but I knew when I wore shorts that far out of the city I got bit several times and I don't mean by Bucky

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I didn't know what Bucky's plan was but I knew when I wore shorts that far out of the city I got bit several times and I don't mean by Bucky. Well, not just by Bucky. So I opted for long sleeves and jeans. It was the first week of October by now so the weather was getting colder and shorts weren't an absolute must.

The walk out to our sunset spot was about 20 minutes but I enjoyed the peace. It was getting closer to dusk now and the market people were closing up, some to go home to their families, some to join the neverending celebration Wakanda seemed to be living in. It was just as beautiful as the first time I'd seen it.

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