Chapter 6 - She's my property

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Bucky avoided me everywhere I went. Some days he even refused to leave his room.

Everyone was confused, they'd had a front row seat to our kiss the other night and now we seemed like strangers. I'd developed feelings for Bucky quickly and I hadn't really noticed until he wasn't around anymore and I couldn't help but miss him. The longer Bucky shut me out, the more closed off I became. I'd become angry at him. My whole life people had told me how to feel and what to do and now here Bucky was deciding for me that I couldn't handle him or his past. It frustrated the hell out of me.

I'd confided in Steve what had happened because he'd seen the bruising before it disappeared and I'd hoped he of all people would be able to get through to Bucky that it didn't matter but he didn't seem to have much luck and we didn't talk about it again.

"Hm?", I'd been lost in thought and heard nothing Nat was saying.

"I asked you what happened, it's like you flicked a switch and changed. You'd started opening up, you seemed... well happy?"

"Some people don't deserve to be happy"

Nat looked taken aback, "You do y/n. Maybe you should talk to Bucky, I know you have a connection with him"

"Clearly not" I bluntly replied.

"Whatever it is, you can work it out and you do deserve happ-"

"DON'T" I yelled at Nat, screamed even, standing up from my seat in the lounge. "Don't tell me what I deserve or how to act. People like me don't get happy endings, that's not how it works. There's nothing for me"

"There can be! Bucky-"

"Bucky doesn't care about me! We kissed once, it was a stupid dare. He means nothing to me". I didn't truly believe that last part but I refuse to be the girl pining after someone who didn't think I was strong enough to handle him.

I stormed off to the training room and took out my anger on a punching bag. I made a sizeable dent in the bag, I'd forgotten how strong I could be with the right emotion motivating me.

"That's quite a right hook", Tony had entered the room.

"Put me on a mission so I can put it to use then" I said slamming another punch into the bag.

"Ok" he replied.

I stopped instantly almost getting hit with the punching bag and looked at him, "Ok?"

"Yes, ok" he replied. "You're clearly skilled and uh *he gestured to the punching bag* strong. Let's see what you got kid, meeting room in 5 minutes"

I was in disbelief. I hadn't really thought he'd take me seriously. A familiar sense of fear and anticipation rose inside me but I also felt excited. Taking out targets was unfortunately what I was good at and it gave me the chance to really prove myself to everyone... and to Bucky.

*in the meeting room*

Tony was stood pointing to blueprints on a screen, "So we're all clear on the plan?"

Everyone nodded. "Then suit up, wheels up in 10", Tony finished

Steve came over to me before I could leave to get ready "Hey y/n, you sure you're ready for this?"

I glared at him, "you going to ask everyone that or just me?"

"I know you can hold your own. I just need to know you know that we go in and out as a team. This isn't a solo mission and the aim isn't to kill, just to stop the arms deal"

I felt anger rising and it was clear he didn't trust you. "I'm fine Rogers and I don't need babysitting". I stormed off to get ready.

*your suit- ignore the truncheon*

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