Chapter 15 - Your love will be his death sentence

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I felt a soft kiss on my cheek and my eyes fluttered open. "Is it time?"

"It is doll. I brought your suit up and there's a coffee next to you". I turned over to see the mug on Bucky's bedside table and then rolled back giving him a kiss.

"How did I get so lucky that you chose to love me?" I asked smiling up at him as he sat next to me.

"I could ask you the same thing" he replied smiling back at me.

"I guess we should get going" I said, my mood dropping which Bucky instantly noticed.

"Are you sure you want to go?" He asked me.

"I am. I have to do this" I replied getting up and starting to put my suit on.

"I know you do. Just promise me you'll be careful."

I zipped up my jacket and walked back to his bed sitting down next to him. I placed my hand on his interlocking our fingers and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I promise I'll be careful. I need you to do the same"

"I promise. We're on the same team so we don't have to worry about not knowing where the other is."

"And we're pretty badass" I replied trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah that helps too" Bucky said, a small smile creeping onto his face.

I drank my coffee and we headed to the hangar on the top floor where the quinjets were kept. Everyone else was already there finishing loading up as we arrived.

Nat came to meet me as Bucky went to help Sam and Steve load the final few weapons. We were preparing for a rough fight.

"How are you feeling?" Nat asked me.

"Honestly, is it weird to say I feel everything right now? I think I'm feeling too much to pinpoint any one emotion. I'm scared that I'm leading you all into a trap, I'm worried my power won't be strong enough to fulfill the plan, I'm nervous as hell about seeing somewhere I was held and abused but in some scary way I'm also excited. I want to take this base down so badly, it's like I can't think of anything else"

"I think feeling a bit of everything is pretty accurate for this situation" Nat replied, "Just do me a favour and try to keep your mind focused. I know it will be a bit overwhelming for you when we get there but we're going to need the full blown assassin version of you if we're gonna pull this off."

"I know. I'm ready for that. I don't like the things I did but that'll always be who I am on some level and trust me, I'm not losing today"

Nat nodded and we walked onto the quinjet.

The flight was roughly 10hrs. Some people slept and we went through the specifics of the mission. There were 2 entrances to the bunker but both of them were disguised in moutains. Team Alpha was Tony, Vision, Wanda, Bruce and Clint while Team Bravo was Steve, Sam, Bucky, Nat and me. Team Alpha was going in from the North while we went in from the South but I had to project a totally normal environment for the guards at each entrance so they wouldn't have time to alert those inside. It was going to take a lot of concentration and that was only step one. Once inside, the objective was to detain the base and it's inhabitants until the Shield operatives arrived about an hour after we would land to take control. Any files or information we could grab was a bonus.

"Are we all clear on what to do?" Steve asked which was meant with varying replies of "Yes Cap", "Yeah" and nods.

"We're about the enter their airpace" Tony announced from the cockpit.

"Your time to shine y/n" Wanda said and I moved to the middle of the jet, holding out my hands. It made it easier to extend an illusion if I felt like I was physically pushing it towards people. Wanda taught me that. I looked at the surroundings and replicated it in my mind's eye before surrounding both sides of the base with it as an illusion.

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